‘I’m so hot I can’t even go to the gym without getting hit on – by men and women’

A woman said she’s so hot that she can’t even go to the gym without being chatted up.

Skyler McKay, 33, from Scotland, said she’s normally the centre of attention wherever she goes.

Even though she’s used to being noticed, she said she didn’t think people would try and hit on her after working out at the gym.

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According to the The Sun, the blonde beauty said she gets all sorts of people approach her because they want to get to know her better.

She may be used to attention, but she’s surprised people want to chat her up when she’s all hot and sweaty.

She said women also approach her and try and “hit on her”
(Image: @x_skyler_mckay_x/Instagram)

Skyler told The Sun: “I even get hit on by the women in the female changing rooms at my gym.

“It’s normally when I’m naked at the end of my workout, post-steam room in the female changing area.

“If I was in my workout gear then that would be okay.

“I feel a bit vulnerable when I’m naked, and applying lotion though.”

Skyler poses in her gym wear as she hits the gym for a workout
(Image: Skyler Mckay/Instagram)

Even though she takes it on the chin as a “compliment”, she said she wouldn’t have the guts to approach someone else in the same way.

She said the rich housewives who try and chat to her seem to “know what they want”, but she’s yet to accept a date.

Skyler confessed she’s used to being the centre of attention when she walks into a room
(Image: @x_skyler_mckay_x/Instagram)

None the less, if someone who caught her eye approached her, she said she wouldn’t turn down the offer.

Skyler said the gym is pretty exclusive, which means some members are “easy on the eye”.

“If they’re hot I’ll swap numbers, or meet them in the juice bar after for a smoothie and see what they are like,” she added.

“If someone wasn’t to my taste I’d still be polite – I admire their confidence, and can’t blame them for shooting their shot.”

