Richard Madeley slams I’m A Celeb stars for not grilling Boy George on his prison time

‘He chained someone to a radiator for a very long time and beat them up’: Richard Madeley slams I’m A Celeb stars for not grilling Boy George on his prison time for attack on sex worker

  • The singer, 61, was sentenced to 15 months for the assault and false imprisonment of Norwegian male sex worker Audun Carlsen during a ‘psychotic episode’, and ended up serving four months 
  • He shackled Mr Carlsen to a radiator and whipped him with a chain while screaming abuse when he was in the grips of a £400-a-day heroin habit
  • The Culture Club star, whose real name is George Alan O’Dowd, has since turned over a new leaf and celebrated a decade of sobriety in 2018
  • Still traumatised by the incident, former escort Mr Carlsen recently hit out at George appearing on I’m A Celebrity
  • He told the Mirror: ‘Had I been a woman and he did what he did, he would never have been given the platform’

Richard Madeley has slammed the campmates on I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! for not grilling Boy George on his time in prison.

The singer, 61, was sentenced to 15 months for the assault and false imprisonment of Norwegian male sex worker Audun Carlsen during a ‘psychotic episode’, and ended up serving four months.

The Culture Club star, whose real name is George Alan O’Dowd, has since turned over a new leaf and celebrated a decade of sobriety in 2018.

Not impressed: Richard Madeley has slammed the campmates on I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! for not grilling Boy George on his time in prison

Imprisonment: The singer, 61, was sentenced to 15 months for the assault and false imprisonment of Norwegian male sex worker Audun Carlsen during a ‘psychotic episode’, and ended up serving four months

But the topic has seemingly not come up in the jungle so far, which Richard has criticised.

On Tuesday’s Good Morning Britain, the presenter told Susanna Reid: ‘He’s not been questioned about it. He chained someone to a radiator for a very long time and beat them up.’

Susanna responded saying: ‘Well he denies the beating.’

‘Well he was convicted and spent four months in prison and no one has mentioned it to him at all,’ Richard added.

He continued: ‘I wonder if that’s because they’ve forgotten it.’

Susanna said: ‘It was more than 10 years ago that it happened.’

Assault: In December 2008, Boy George was convicted for the assault and false imprisonment of Norwegian male sex worker Audun Carlsen (pictured) during a ‘psychotic episode’ the previous year

To which Richard replied: ‘Yeah. He says it was a psychotic episode partly fuelled by drugs, that’s his rationale.’

In December 2008, Boy George was convicted for the assault and false imprisonment of Norwegian male sex worker Audun Carlsen during a ‘psychotic episode’ the previous year. 

He shackled Mr Carlsen to a radiator and whipped him with a chain while screaming abuse when he was in the grips of a £400-a-day heroin habit.  

Criticism: But the topic has seemingly not come up in the jungle so far, which Richard has criticised

George first met Mr Carlsen in 2007 when he got in touch via a dating site and asked Audun to model items from his clothing range. 

They met at George’s flat in Shoreditch, East London where they drank wine and took cocaine but things took an unwanted turn.

After returning from the shop, George set upon Audun with another man, claiming the visitor had tried to hack into his computer, beating him and leaving him handcuffed to a wall fixture, from which he escaped by wrenching himself free.

Strong words: On Tuesday’s Good Morning Britain, the presenter told Susanna Reid: ‘He’s not been questioned about it. He chained someone to a radiator for a very long time and beat them up’

George was jailed in 2009 for 15 months after being found guilty of assault and false imprisonment, but was given early release after four months for good behaviour. 

Still traumatised by the incident, former escort Mr Carlsen recently hit out at George appearing on I’m A Celebrity.

He told the Mirror: ‘Had I been a woman and he did what he did, he would never have been given the platform. It’s hurtful that big organisations like ITV give him that platform.

‘I think giving him this sort of platform and a record fee sends the wrong message to survivors of violence and abuse and is plain wrong.’

A representative for George told MailOnline: ‘George went to jail for four months willingly after openly confessing to false imprisonment during a psychotic break 15 years ago whilst in the midst of a well documented drug problem.

‘Not only has he been a pillar of society ever since, but he also remains sober to this day.

‘He apologised publicly on Piers Morgan’s Life Stories four years ago and we are very proud of him for his rehabilitation.

‘Everyone is entitled to a second chance and George has certainly earned it.’

Troubles: The Culture Club star has battled drug and alcohol addictions and in 2009, was jailed for 15 months for the assault and false imprisonment of a Norwegian male sex worker

An ITV source told MailOnline: ‘This is a historical, spent conviction dating back 12 years and Boy George has appeared on major TV networks globally on numerous occasions over the last decade, including as a coach for The Voice UK on the BBC and The Voice Australia.’

Speaking of the attack in 2020, Boy George sobbed on TV as he described a ‘psychotic episode’ when he kept Mr Carlsen prisoner in his flat.

He told Piers Morgan on his ITV’s Life Stories show that he had not apologised to his Norwegian victim because it ‘wouldn’t make any difference’. 

He said: ‘I sent myself to prison. I told the police why I did what I did. In hindsight I was having a psychotic episode. I was a drug addict so I can’t sit here and say my reasons for doing it were founded in any way.

‘But I told the truth. I said, ‘This is why I did it. I was having a paranoid episode’. I have always denied beating the guy.’

Jailed: George was jailed in 2009 for 15 months after being found guilty of assault and false imprisonment, but was given early release after four months for good behaviour