Lucy Letby ‘pushed plastic tube down throat of baby she killed by injecting with air’, court hears

Neonatal nurse Lucy Letby ‘pushed plastic tube down throat of baby she killed by injecting with air’, court hears

  • Lucy Letby allegedly used plastic tube to pump air into Baby E, expert tells court
  • Neonatal nurse Letby denies murdering seven babies and trying to kill ten more
  • Pediatrician Dr Dewi Evans suggested a neo-gastric tube or introducer was used
  • The flexible length of wire is rigid enough to take a tube past a baby’s vocal cords

A baby allegedly murdered by neonatal nurse Lucy Letby may have been attacked with medical equipment that caused him to suffer a massive hemorrhage, a court has heard.

Dr Dewi Evans, an expert pediatrician originally called in by the National Crime Agency five years ago, said he initially suspected a naso-gastric tube might have been used ‘inappropriately’ on Baby E.

But in a report he wrote less than three weeks before the start of Letby’s trial in October, he changed his mind and put forward the suggestion that it might have been an ‘introducer’, a piece of medical equipment commonly used in neonatal units.

An introducer is a flexible length of wire covered in plastic that is rigid enough to allow a tube to go past an infant’s vocal cords.

Lucy Letby is being tried over the deaths of numerous infants at Countess of Chester Hospital 

Dr Evans came up with the suggestion as he tried to explain the massive bleed that Baby E suffered shortly before his death at the Countess of Chester Hospital in August 2015.

The hemorrhage caused blood to pour out of the infant’s nose and mouth as medics tried to give him chest compressions in an attempt to save his life.

‘This is not something that occurs because of some kind of natural phenomenon,’ Dr Evans told the jury at Manchester Crown Court.

He said a second ‘major’ issue was ‘significant hemorrhaging from the upper gastrointestinal tract, somewhere between the mouth and the stomach’.

Dr Dewi Evans (pictured outside Manchester Crown Court this week) gave the testimony today

Dr Evans said: ‘I think he (Baby E) suffered trauma from some other form of injury and there were a number of bits of equipment on a neo-natal unit that are relatively rigid.

Letby denies the murders of seven babies and the attempted murders of 10 others between June 2015 and June 2016

‘Plastic tubes used for suction, for instance, so it could have been interference with that.’

He said another medical instrument known as an introducer – a thin wire surrounded by plastic which can be used to intubate a baby – would be ‘more than sufficient to cause trauma if used inappropriately’.

Dr Evans said: ‘I cannot be 100 per cent certain what caused the trauma to the gastrointestinal system but it had to be some kind of relatively stiff (equipment) which was sufficient to cause this extraordinary bleeding.’

Prosecutor Nick Johnson KC asked the consultant paediatrician if there could be an ‘innocent explanation’ for the level of bleeding.

Dr Evans replied: ‘No. The other explanation for this is a bleeding ulcer. I have never seen a bleeding ulcer cause this sort of presentation.’

In his initial reports Dr Evans said he was ‘at a loss’ to explain the haemorrhaging and it was not possible to say if any deliberate harm took place because of an absence of a post-mortem.

The death of the premature-born twin, referred to as Baby E, was the fourth baby murdered at the neo-natal unit by the defendant in a six-week period, according to the prosecution

In a further report – after he reviewed a statement from Child E’s mother who described ‘horrendous crying’ from her son and blood around his mouth – he suggested something ‘had been done or used’ to cause trauma.

Dr Evans suggested that a nasogastric tube could have been thrust into the baby’s stomach with inappropriate force.

However, he told the court he later saw the type of tube used by the hospital at the time and ruled out it could be capable of causing such damage.

Child E suffered a sudden deterioration from 11.40pm on August 3, the court has heard, and later died early the next morning after staff were unable to resuscitate him.

Dr Evans said, in his opinion, Baby E was ‘stable’ leading up to the beginning of the ‘massive’ haemorrhaging during the night-shift.

Cross-examining, Ben Myers KC, defending, said: ‘The haemorrhaging that Child E experienced on August 3 and 4 could be due to some form of ulceration or bleeding from the stomach from natural causes, albeit not normal?’

Dr Evans replied: ‘I don’t think so.’

On the expert’s initial belief a nasogastric tube could have been used to harm the baby, Mr Myers said: ‘You were looking for something that could possibly support an allegation of deliberate harm that you must have known was not realistic?’

Dr Evans said: ‘I disagree.’

Mr Myers went on: ‘You are actively trying to find things that would support this allegation even when there is no evidential basis?’

The witness replied: ‘Child E had massive haemorrhaging from his upper gastrointestinal system and that is not something that occurs as a result of some kind of natural phenomenon.’

Fellow expert medical witness Dr Sandie Bohin agreed with Dr Evans that an air embolism was the cause of death.

She added: ‘I have never seen a baby have a gastrointestinal haemorrhage in this way.

‘I think the bleeding may have made him unstable but I don’t think that is what caused his death. I don’t think that is what caused him to collapse and need CPR.’

Mr Myers said: ‘He died because of a catastrophic bleed, didn’t he?’

Dr Bohin replied: ‘I don’t believe that is so.’

On Thursday Mr Myers suggested that medics were too slow during the night-shift to order an emergency blood transfusion for Baby E.

Letby, originally from Hereford, denies the murders of seven babies and the attempted murders of 10 others between June 2015 and June 2016.

The trial continues on Monday.