Almost half of grieving adults have gone into debt after paying for loved ones’ funeral

The cost-of-living crisis is contributing to a rising cost of dying – as almost half of grieving adults (43%) have struggled with debt as a result of paying for a loved ones’ funeral, research has found.

In the last two years, those who have put their own money towards a funeral have parted with a whopping £1,797.40, according to 500 adults polled.

And for those who struggled to afford such a hefty sum, this has racked up £1,951.50 of debt – leaving half feel stressed, while 45% felt anxious, and 36% were embarrassed.

This financial hardship has also meant almost two-thirds (62%) felt they were unable to properly grieve, due to the impact the cost of the send-off had on them.

A third of poorer Brits have bought less food to cover funeral costs
(Image: Rubber Ball Productions/Getty Images)

Dan Garrett, CEO of direct cremation funeral provider Farewill, which commissioned the research, said: “The cost-of-living crisis is fuelling a cost of dying emergency.

“Grieving families all over the UK are having the stress of losing someone they love compounded by the devastating hardship of funeral poverty.

“Alongside steep hikes in supermarket prices and higher mortgage rates, it’s now far more likely that a death in the family could push grieving families into poverty as they struggle to cover the funeral bill.

“Having an affordable option such as direct cremation, with prices starting from £800, allows families the option to celebrate their loved one’s life in a way that feels right for them, and the chance to grieve without the added pressure of costly traditions.

“With 85% of those polled worried about the impact the economic crisis could have on their ability to pay for a funeral in the future, it’s not surprising direct cremation is increasing in popularity.”

Since 2004, funeral costs have risen by 121%, with the average basic funeral last year costing £4,056 – without the inclusion of traditional flowers, cars, and catering, according to data from Sun Life.

Last year, nearly one in five families (18%) opted for a direct cremation – a cremation without the traditional service at a crematorium – up from 3% in 2019.

Farewill’s research, carried out via OnePoll, found a staggering 85% of people felt pressure to provide a traditional funeral service, with things like flowers, cars, and catering – even though it meant they experienced financial hardship.

More families are opting for direct cremation – a cremation without a traditional service
(Image: Dieter Heinemann/Getty Images)

In fact, two-thirds (68%) received monetary assistance from friends or family towards the funeral cost.

The most common help received included a financial gift (62%), interest-free borrowing (29%), and a loan with interest (12%).

Sadly, almost half (47%) sold a sentimental item given to them by a loved one to go towards the cost of a funeral – the most common of which was jewellery (34%), a watch (19%), and ornaments (18%).

The study also revealed the least well-off are having to make difficult decisions to cover funeral costs.

More than half (56%) of the poorest in society are buying cheaper food, compared to 31% in the highest socio-economic banding.

And a third (33%) were buying less food altogether – compared to just 24% of the highest banding.

Other difficult decisions facing people to help cover funeral bills include cutting back on electricity use (24%), and not putting on the heating (21%).

Dan Garrett, from Farewill, added: “The survey highlights how the burden of meeting rising traditional funeral bills impacts our financial and emotional wellbeing.

“Direct cremation offers the freedom to give a loved one a simple, affordable send-off, without the crippling costs associated with traditional funerals.”
