BREAKING ‘Psychopath’ Brit builder murdered escorts in ‘homemade incinerator’

A dad who described himself as a “psychopath with a conscience” has been found guilty of murdering two women after paying one of them £3,000 to pose in lingerie while tied up in the boot of a car.

Builder Mark Brown, 41, was convicted at Hove Crown Court of killing escorts Leah Ware and Alexandra Morgan in Sussex last year.

He had pleaded not guilty to the charges after Alexandra was identified by her teeth and bone fragments after Brown burnt her body in an oil drum.

The killer had put her corpse into a home-made incinerator before dumping her remains, whilst Leah’s body has never been found but cops suspect a similar method was used.

Leah Ware was killed by Brown in May after he hired her as an escort in 2018
(Image: PA)

It is suspected the brute also killed her Pomeranian dog, Lady.

Prosecutors said Brown had murdered Alexandra after hiring her for sex around 12 times and offering her an escorting job worth £100,000 before she was killed when she visited Little Bridge Farm, the site he rented.

But the convicted murderer claimed she had actually died after hitting her head when she slipped in an accident at the farm.

Alexandra Morgan’s remains were dumped in a skip at the building site
(Image: PA)

A jury of 10 men and two women took 10-and-a-half hours to convict Brown of both murder charges on Thursday.

Judge Justice Nicholas Hilliard said the case was of the “utmost gravity” and thanked the jury for their commitments before he adjourned sentencing until January 13.

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