Boris Johnson rakes in half a million pounds for book on his disastrous time as PM

Boris Johnson has raked in over half a million pounds in an advanced payment for his tell-all memoir in No10.

Earlier this month Harper Collins announced that the ex-PM, who was ousted from Downing Street last year, was writing the book.

According to the latest register of MPs’ interests, Mr Johnson received £510,000 from the publisher for an “upcoming book yet to be published”.

Announcing the book deal earlier in January, Arabella Pike, who is working with the publisher, said: “This will be a Prime Minister memoir like no other”.

“I look forward to working with Boris Johnson as he writes his account of his time in office during some of the most momentous events the United Kingdom as seen in recent times.”

Boris Johnson was forced to stand down after a series of scandals
Getty Images)

The ex-PM has been raking in cash since he left office. He has declared more than £1 million in speaking fees since leaving office in September.

He trousered an astonishing £276,130 for a single speech for a speech in Colorado Springs in October – while the Commons was in session 5,000 miles away.

The update to the register also shows Mr Johnson received over £200,000 for a speaking engagement in December and £3,000 from the Spectator magazine.

It comes as taxpayers are expected to foot a £220,000 bill for the former Prime Minister’s legal defence against allegations he misled Parliament over Partygate.

Today a senior civil servant confirmed that the estimated cost in defending the shamed former Prime Minister had soared by more than £90,000 since 2022.

He is being investigated by the House of Commons Privileges Committee, which will determine whether he committed contempt of Parliament – an allegation he denies.

Liberal Democrat Chief Whip Wendy Chamberlain said: “While the British people battle with a cost-of-living crisis, this Conservative Government seems more interested in helping Boris Johnson with his cost-of-lying crisis.

“This is a sleazy new low for this Government, dragging politics into the gutter.

“People will be outraged that hundreds of thousands of pounds of their money will be used to defend a lying lawbreaker who disgraced the office of Prime Minister.”

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Boris JohnsonPolitics