Fuming bloke freezes neighbour’s car after realising he stole his parking spot

A man admitted he froze his neighbour’s car after he stole his parking spot in order to get revenge.

Some people have praised the narked neighbour who took matters into his own hands following the incident, but others have condemned his actions.

It’s said the neighbour stole the man’s parking space after he’d shovelled snow.

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The man alleged to spend 45 minutes out in the cold shovelling his wife’s car out to enable them to get to the shops.

Up to eight inches had fallen the night before, and they needed to travel to get essentials.

But when they got back an hour later they came home to discover their neighbour had parked in the snow-free space.

He decided to freeze his neighbour’s car to get his own back
(Image: Getty Images)

The anonymous man took to Reddit to tell people he then went out to get his “petty revenge”.

In his post, which he shared under the username topathemornin, he explained: “Our apartment complex doesn’t have assigned parking, but in the winter, it’s understood that if you shovel a spot, it’s yours.

“So when I saw his car in the spot I had just shoveled, I was pretty p*****.

“I went inside and filled two gallon jugs of water.

“Went back out and poured them on his windshield. Rinse and repeat.

“I must have poured about ten gallons of water on his car.

“Being how cold it was, it was already freezing by the time I poured the last gallon on.

“It sat like that overnight.

“The next morning, I got to watch as he helplessly tried to scrape all of these layers of ice off his windshield.”

The tale left people divided, with some people dubbing it “vandalism”
(Image: Getty Images)

But his story has left people divided, with some claiming it was a good move, while others compared it to an act of “vandalism”.

The response he got after sharing the tale was pretty mixed.

One commented: “This is amazing.

“It’s common knowledge, if your complex doesn’t handle snow removal, don’t be a d*** and shovel your own spot.”

Another added: “This was a masterful revenge. However, you should have marked your spot.”

A third cirped in: “So if I’m visiting someone in your complex and I see a cleared parking space, I’m meant to not park in it?”

