Man ‘too big’ for rollercoaster looks unrecognisable after 5st weight loss

A former yo-yo dieter lifted the lid on his weight loss after shedding 5st during his incredible transformation.

At his heaviest, Joe Thompson, from Essex, struggled to ride rollercoasters due to his big frame.

Now after embarking on his weight loss, the 35-year-old has been named Slimming World’s Mr Sleek 2023.

READ MORE: My 600lb Life’s Paula Jones unrecognisable in teeny swimsuit snap after epic weight loss

He said: “I’d struggled with my weight for most of my life.

“I was adopted at birth, so I found it hard looking different to the rest of my family – I told myself I had the ‘fat gene’.

“Leaving home for uni meant I was away from my mum’s healthy cooking, relying heavily on takeaways and drinking.”

Joe Thompson before his weight loss
(Image: Slimming World / SWNS)

During this period, Joe also found it hard figuring out his sexuality, something he “struggled to come to terms with”.

But what really hit him was an incident at Thorpe Park where he couldn’t even fasten the safety harness on a ride.

He added: “I had to get off and walk past a queue of people, who I’m sure all knew exactly why I couldn’t ride.

“I tried to brush it off, but inside I was completely mortified.”

Joe, who suffers from chronic podagra, experiences a flare-up every four to six weeks which causes a lot of pain.

The condition, which impacts the joint between the foot and big toe, means Joe struggles to walk for a couple of days.

He felt really insecure before his transformation
(Image: Slimming World / SWNS)

Joe, who lives with husband Gareth, was worried about his weight so he started yo-yo dieting.

But he was left miserable for two years when he cut out all the carbs and everything felt restrictive.

His turning point came when he saw snaps of himself after attending a number of back-to-back weddings.

Then he heard a lot about Slimming World so he thought he’d give it a go.

In his first week, where he followed the Food Optimising eating plan, he dropped just under a stone (11lbs).

With the plan, slimmers can reduce calories without counting, lose weight without feeling hungry and enjoy foods.

He’s been named Slimming World’s Mr Sleek
(Image: Slimming World/Paul Buller / SWN)

Weighing almost 20st, Joe felt nervous about joining his local group until he realised he had nothing to fear.

He said: “I texted my Slimming World Consultant Lorna in advance and she was so lovely, so that made me feel better.

“I wasn’t alone anymore and it was such a wonderful feeling. I love the plan allows me to eat to satisfy my appetite.

“Before, I’d panic about ‘running out’ of calories and ending up hungry.

“With Slimming World that never happens because there’s always something substantial to eat when you are hungry.

“It was totally revolutionary for me.”

Now Joe’s mission is to inspire other people to follow in his footsteps.

You can find Joe’s journey on Instagram at @joeyjoejoe__sw.

Joe is now 5st lighter since his journey
(Image: Slimming World/Paul Buller / SWN)


Starting weight: 19st 9.5lbs/275.5lbs/125kg

Current weight: 14st 6lbs/202lbs/92kg

Weight loss: 5st 3.5lbs/73.5lbs/33kg

Waist measurement before: 40ins/101cm

Size now: 32ins/81cm

Joined Slimming World: November 2021

Group: Joe attends the Woodford Green Slimming World group in Essex run by Consultant Lorna Sheridan

Before menu

Breakfast: Bacon and sausage sandwich with butter and ketchup

Mid-morning: Tube of crisps

Lunch: Pack of instant noodles topped with extra cheese

Dinner: A takeaway such as Chinese, Indian or pizza

Snacks: Chocolate, sweets, crisps, white toast with butter

After menu

Breakfast: Poached eggs on wholemeal toast

Lunch: Homemade vegetable and chilli soup

Dinner: Home cooked meal such as spaghetti bolognese, burgers or a Chinese fakeaway

Snacks: Low-fat yogurt with sugar-free syrup

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Slimming WorldWeight Loss