UK village is ‘UFO hotspot’ as NASA scientists ‘showed interest’ in unusual activity

A picturesque UK village is probably somewhere people might come to for an ideal country getaway.

But they may also be surprised to know that alongside the traditional pubs and tea rooms, Bonsall is also the go-to spot for catching a glimpse of UFOs.

Set upon a backdrop of countryside beauty, Bonsall, near Matlock, Derbyshire, is known to be a hotspot for UFO sightings, with a former pub landlord even offering to take customers onto the moors for ‘UFO tours’.

READ MORE: ‘I’ve been investigating UFOs for 45 years – aliens aren’t coming in peace’

Not only that but Bosnall has also become known for its one-of-a-kind hen racing championships that take place every year, the Manchester Evening News reports.

Sharon Rowlands’ sighting in the early 2000s prompted NASA to take a look (stock)
(Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

And, in 2001 Bonsall became so renowned for their potential ET sightings that even NASA got involved.

That year, Sharon Rowlands sold footage she had taken of a flying saucer to a Hollywood producer for £20,000. NASA also requested to see footage as they thought that it displayed a similar type of aircraft to that picked up by their cameras in the STS-75 Columbia Space Shuttle mission in early 1996.

The mysterious sightings didn’t stop there either. A further 19 sightings were also reported in the early 2000s. One said that there were ”two big, bright lights’ whilst a man taking his dog for a walk claimed he saw a ‘pink glow, vertically-shaped like a shoe box’.

And the village’s strange going on don’t end there, every year the World Hen Racing Championship takes place at the Marley Mow pub, where people have the choice whether to bring their own hen or rent one for a £5 donation.

The champion wins a whopping bag of grain and a trophy.

