LETTERS: ‘Simple solution to solving the strikes crisis is staring us all in the face’

I have a simple solution to resolving the public sector pay disputes.

The strikers are understandably taking action to alleviate the punitive effects of increased inflation.

Yet the Government repeatedly argues inflation-matching pay rises are ‘unaffordable’ .

My solution isn’t complex, it is to increase income tax for all those earning six-figure sums, of an amount to be determined, and use the funds to enhance pay for nurses, ambulance workers, firefighters, care-workers, teachers and so on.

If all the high-earning Tory party donors, wealthy business magnates, energy giants and so on gave more out of their huge incomes and profits, the lower paid essential public sector workers wouldn’t have to rely on food banks to feed themselves and their families and struggle to stay warm in this icy winter.

Paul Methven, Winscombe, Somerset

What do YOU think? Do you agree with Mirror reader Paul’s suggestion?
Kirsty Wigglesworth/AP/REX/Shut?terstock/imagemaker)

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Conservative PartyinflationNHSNHS in crisisStrikesTory Government