Sadiq Khan sparks fury over £110m ULEZ scrappage scheme: Tory MPs ‘apoplectic’, minister warns

Sadiq Khan sparks fury over £110m ULEZ scrappage scheme: Tory MPs ‘apoplectic’, transport minister warns tradespeople will be hardest hit and Pimlico Plumbers boss Charlie Mullins accuses London Mayor of ‘taking money from motorists who can’t afford it’

Sadiq Khan has sparked fury over his planed £110million ULEZ scrappage scheme – as Tory MPs are ‘apoplectic’ and warn tradespeople and nurses will be hardest hit.

The London Mayor yesterday dismissed anger at his decision to expand the ULEZ zone to the whole of Greater London from late August as he hit out at ‘vested interests’. 

Londoners can apply for a means-tested grant of up to £2,000 to scrap their non ULEZ-compliant cars or motorcycles.

But the decision to push ahead with the expansion – which will see a £12.50 daily fee for vehicles not meeting minimum requirements – during the cost-of-living crisis has been met with outrage.

The London Mayor (pictured) yesterday dismissed anger at his decision to expand the ULEZ zone

Richard Holden, Roads Minister and MP for North West Durham, has slammed the Mayor’s expansion

Fears have been expressed about the financial hit for emergency workers – such as nurses driving to hospitals for night shifts – as well tradespeople who need to take vans into the capital.

Roads Minister Richard Holden today revealed that Tory MPs and councillors are ‘apopectic’ about Mr Khan’s decision.

He told LBC: ‘The ULEZ expansion is really a matter for the Mayor of London. In his manifesto at the last election he said he would expand it to the North Circular, now he is expanding it to the boundaries of Greater London. 

‘He has his own mandate, elected by people in London, but he has got to justify his actions. I know a lot of my Conservative colleagues, both councillors and MPs, have spoken to me about it and are apoplectic about what he is planning because it will really impact on hard working people.’

‘I think of nurses who have to cross that boundary just to see people or care workers. I think the Mayor of London should think again.’

He added: ‘It is not just those in Greater London who are affected by this, everybody all around the outskirts as well – whether they are trying to come and work, there will be a lot of small business people, tradespeople. 

‘Also those in caring professions who have to travel for work and I really think it is time that the Mayor had another look at this and thought again.’

Meanwhile, Pimlico Plumbers founder Charlie Mullins also joined the row criticised the Mayor.

He tweeted: ‘You try to make out that you’ve done something good for London. All you have done is taking money from motorists that cannot afford the extra charge.’

The ULEZ expansion will see a £12.50 daily fee for vehicles not meeting minimum requirements – during the cost-of-living crisis

Pimlico Plumbers founder Charlie Mullins also joined the row criticised the Mayor of London today

Mr Khan is also under pressure to rethink the expansion after Tories at City Hall claimed the mayor’s own consultation showed 80 per cent of local businesses and employees in outer London were opposed. 

Paul Scully, Tory minister for Tech and Digital Economy, also said: ‘ULEZ isn’t highly popular with residents in the area earmarked for expansion that’s the point. The effect on air quality is negligible according to the mayor’s own report. 

‘I’m all for improved air quality but through more effective solutions that bring people along the journey.’

But Mr Khan has vowed to plough ahead with his plans as he was quizzed about the Transport for London consultation by the House of Commons’ Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee this afternoon.

‘Here’s the difference, a brave strong leader doesn’t rely upon referenda to decide policy,’ he said, as he made a comparison with the Brexit vote.

The ultra-low emission zone is to be expanded in August to cover the whole of Greater London – seen here in purple 

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan pictured cycling across Tower Bridge in London, which was closed to traffic as part of World Car Free Day in September 2019

‘It was a consultation, not a referenda. It’s a weak, ineffectual leader who throws red meat to his party and is scared of [Nigel] Farage – that’s a referendum.

‘A bold leader takes tough decisions. I’ve taken a tough decision and I stand by it.’

Mr Khan described toxic air as a ‘killer’ and compared his expansion of ULEZ to the 2007 ban on smoking in public places.

He also hit out at the Govermment’s ‘failure to give London the money for a scrappage scheme that has been given to Bristol, Birmingham and Bath’.

Yesterday, TfL introduced a new scrappage scheme that will offer motorists up to £5,000 to scrap or upgrade their vehicle in order to meet ULEZ requirements.

But the London mayor claimed none of the £110million fund was being provided by central Government.