Liz Truss’ ‘deranged’ comeback – all the best comments and reaction to bonkers essay

Liz Truss has been branded “deranged” over her bid to reignite her political career.

After being drummed out of Number 10 after just 49 days, Ms Truss has returned with a 4,000 word essay in the Telegraph claiming she’d been right all along, and she just hadn’t been given a proper shake.

And not one of those 4,000 words was “sorry”.

The ex-PM blamed everyone from the “economic establishment” to Joe Biden for getting in the way of her wild plan for unfunded tax cuts.

She accepted she was not “blameless” for nearly crashing the economy, sending hundreds of thousands of Brits spiralling into poverty.

In the end, her premiership was outlasted by an iceberg lettuce.

But she complained she was never given a “realistic chance” to implement her wild, uncosted tax-cutting rampage because the “left-wing economic establishment” got in the way.

Of course, the lengthy screed has prompted quite a lot of reaction this sunny, Sunday morning.

Here’s some of the best comments and funniest responses to Liz Truss ‘ bonkers comeback bid.

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First off, this quote from a Tory source

“She’s more deranged than we realised.

“This is the woman who almost caused a run on the pound and is now pretending she has some answer to our problems.

“She should stick to the after dinner speaker circuit, cashing in on why she was the worst prime minister in uk history.”

Then there’s the search for the ‘left-wing economic establishment’

This brutal comparison

This stark assessment from former Cabinet colleague David Gauke

Ex-minister David Gauke
AFP/Getty Images)

Writing in the New Statesman, the ex-Tory MP said:

“This is delusional but it raises two concerns for Sunak. First, at a time when the UK is forecast to be the only major economy in recession this year, the Truss analysis may resonate with too many Conservatives. Second, for those who have a better appreciation of what happened last autumn than Truss, it is a reminder that there remain powerful voices in the Conservative Party who cannot be trusted to be economically responsible. It is an unwelcome intervention.”

And this diplomatic reaction from a current Tory MP

Meanwhile, people noticed Ms Truss had a painting mashing up Che Guevara and Lord Nelson on her wall for some reason

In fairness, there were a few people defending what Liz Truss had to say…

But it’s only fair the final word goes to…

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Conservative PartyJoe BidenLiz TrussPoliticsThe economy