Liam Gallagher launches X-rated rant at Premier League over Man City charges

Liam Gallagher launches X-rated rant, calling the Premier League ‘BIG BULLIES’ after they charged Man City with breaking financial rules over 100 TIMES – before former Oasis frontman suggests Man United and Chelsea are ‘investigated’ as well

Manchester City fan Liam Gallagher thinks Manchester United and Chelsea should have their finances ‘investigated’ as the singer launched an X-rated rant at the Premier League.

The Premier League champions were charged on Monday with breaking the division’s financial rules more than 100 times regarding sponsors and contracts across nine seasons. 

Gallagher, less than impressed at the news, labelled the league ‘BIG BULLYS’ and thinks rivals should suffer similar scrutiny. 

He tweeted: ‘The Premier league are BIG BULLYS Investigate 1 Investigate them all you shower of s***’

When one fan suggested manager Pep Guardiola will leave in the summer, Gallagher replied: ‘You’ve been saying that since he come sit down and stop smoking cream eggs.’

Manchester City were charged on Monday with breaking the Premier League’s financial rules  more than 100 times regarding sponsors and contracts across a nine-year period

Man City fan Liam Gallagher has ripped into the Premier League for their action against City

Gallagher described the Premier League as ‘bullies’ and other teams should be investigated

He also agreed with one fan who called for investigations into Chelsea and Manchester United’s spending. 

The charges against the reigning champions relate to financial information regarding revenue, details of manager and player remuneration, UEFA regulations, profitability and sustainability and co-operation with Premier League investigations. 

A statement from the league said alleged breaches were committed from September 2009 to the 2017-18 season and will now be referred to an independent commission. 

It adds that the club is alleged to have breached league rules requiring provision ‘in utmost good faith’ of ‘accurate financial information that gives a true and fair view of the club’s financial position’.

Should Man City be found guilty, they face a range of potential sanctions including a points deduction or even an expulsion – though it could take years to come to a conclusion.     

It is understood that papers were served on City at the same time the Premier League announced the charges.

An executive-level phone call from the competition to the club also took place but no prior warning was given to the club.

Manchester City in a statement said they were surprised to hear of the alleged breaches.



Gallagher agreed with comments that Chelsea and Man United should be investigated

Gallagher gave this response when a fan suggested Pep Guardiola will leave in the summer

Gallagher added this message when a Gunners sent him a tweet which said: ‘Arsenal are winning the league this season, mate. No use crying about it. At least we can laugh at Chelsea’

The statement read: ‘Manchester City FC is surprised by the issuing of these alleged breaches of the Premier League Rules, particularly given the extensive engagement and vast amount of detailed materials that the EPL has been provided with.

‘The Club welcomes the review of this matter by an independent Commission, to impartially consider the comprehensive body of irrefutable evidence that exists in support of its position.

‘As such we look forward to this matter being put to rest once and for all.’

The news comes a day after Man City suffered a 1-0 defeat to Tottenham, leaving them five points off league leaders Arsenal.

A Gunners fan made light of today’s news, as tweeted Gallagher with the message: ‘Arsenal are winning the league this season, mate. No use crying about it. At least we can all laugh at Chelsea.’

Gallagher in response seemingly conceded his team’s chances of winning a third Premier League title in a row as he replied: ‘You’ve already won it ain’t ya.’ 

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