BREAKING Secret Russian plan to ‘destroy’ Moldova ‘intercepted by Ukrainian spies’ claims Zelensky

A secret Russian plan to “destroy” Moldova was “intercepted by Ukrainian spies”, President Voloymyr Zelensky has claimed.

The Ukrainian president spoke to European Union leaders earlier today and alleged that spies had intercepted documents that showed “who, when and how” the destruction would take place.

President Zelensky also alleged he had spoken to Moldovan President Maia Sandu about the alleged Russian scheme that would “break the democracy” of the European country.

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Claims of Russian plan interceptions come as President Zelensky speaks with European Union leaders in Brussels.

President Zelensky claimed the Russian plans showed how to ‘break the democracy’ of Moldova
(Image: Global Images Ukraine via Getty)

The Ukrainian president said: “I have informed her that we have intercepted the plan of the destruction of Moldova by the Russian intelligence.”

President Zelensky added that documents intercepted by the spies had uncovered plans that would “break the democracy of Moldova and establish control over Moldova.”

He further alleged that the Moldovan control plan was similar to that of the one used by Russian president Vladimir Putin in the lead-up to the invasion of Ukraine, adding that he was unsure if Russia actually carried out the plan.

It comes as Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov considered turning Moldova into “another Ukraine.”

Minister Lavrov alleged that Moldovan leader President Sandu was backed by western forces who were eager for Moldova and Romania to merge together.

Late last December, the Moldovan national intelligence agency warned that Russia may launch a new offensive in 2023 in an attempt to make a land corridor through southern Ukraine.

Their claims warned that the Russian end goal would be to create a corridor through to the Moscow-backed breakaway region of Transnistria, which broke away in 1992.

Transnistria is not recognised by most countries but Russia keeps 1,500 “peacekeeper” troops in the region.”

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