Shamima Begum and ISIS hubby should be allowed to ‘rebuild life in UK’ says his mum

The mother-in-law of infamous jihadi bride Shamima Begum has spoken publicly for the first time.

Begum who left the UK in February 2015 to join ISIS in Syria is still prevented from returning to the country in which she grew up.

And, for the first time, the mother of her husband Yago Riedijk has given her thoughts on the matter.

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In an interview with the MailOnline, she said: “I am convinced that Shamima should be allowed to go home and build her life there.”

Like Begum, Ankie Riedijk’s son also travelled to join the terrorist organisation in 2015, where he shortly met his now wife for the first time.

Yago Riedijk, the Dutch husband of Shamima Begum, who joined the Islamic State group in Syria in 2015 aged 15
(Image: BBC)

Mrs Riedijk believes her son and daughter-in-law should be taken back to the UK to face the consequences for their actions despite Begum being stripped of her British citizenship in February 2019.

Mrs Riedijk also claimed that she was made aware of her son’s involvement in a new BBC documentary that aired this week: “From the beginning we have tried not to get involved in any kind of publicity.”

She added: “But we were warned that Yago had given an interview about Shamima.

Speaking for the first time, Begum’s mother-in-law said she wants her to be able to return to the UK
(Image: BBC)

“We were very grateful about this because we did not know anything about it.”

In the BBC documentary, Yago Riedijk recalled his first encounter with Begum: “I just wanted a partner who I could find some rest with and who could take care of me. I asked her if she knew how to cook and she said yes.

“Our meeting was ten minutes max. We decided we wanted to try it. We don’t have such a thing as dating or going out and having a meal together.”

Shamima has also shared memories of meeting Mr Riedijk for the first time in 2015.

Begum said being with a man was a ‘new concept’ for her
(Image: BBC/Joshua Baker)

She said: “It was exciting for me because I’d never been in a relationship. My entire life I’d been surrounded by women so being with a man was a new concept for me.”

Mr Redijk is currently imprisoned under detention in Syria after being captured by Kurdish forces. He was also sentenced to six years in prison in the Netherlands.


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