A&E and cancer nurses set to join next wave of strikes as NHS pay dispute escalates

Nurses are preparing to ramp up strikes by involving A&E workers and staff from cancer wards in the next wave of walkouts over pay.

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) is considering fresh action over three separate days, which would run throughout the night.

In a major escalation, the union is said to be poised to ask nurses working in emergency departments, intensive care units and oncology to join the strike.

It is also considering refusing to make local agreements with trusts to help hospitals during strikes, which it has previously done.

Staff would continue to provide minimum legal levels of care.

Nurses have already taken part in several days of strikes since December as ministers continue to stonewall their pay demands.

Rishi Sunak and Health Secretary Steve Barclay have refused to engage on wage demands
Getty Images)

Rishi Sunak and Health Secretary Steve Barclay have been criticised for refusing to engage on wage demands for this year, instead seeking to shift focus to next year’s pay deal.

An RCN source said: “NHS leaders are fearing this escalation and they must bring pressure to bear on Government to get it stopped.

“They were expecting an escalation but had not prepared for the removal of the committees and derogation process that too many had manipulated at local level and applied pressure on nurses to break the strike.”

Dates for the next strike by nurses in England are expected to be announced within days.

The union must give two weeks notice for any walkouts.

RCN members went on strike in England last Monday and Tuesday but a walkout in Wales was cancelled following an improved pay offer from the Government in Cardiff..

RCN general secretary Pat Cullen has appealed to Mr Sunak for talks but a week later the Prime Minister has not replied and there has been no contact with the Department of Health.

Nurses join a picket line in London on February 6
Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

It comes as polling guru Lord Hayward said the strikes could torpedo Tory chances at the local elections.

The Conservative peer told The Telegraph: “The Government has to have a clear run into the local elections of several weeks to benefit from any progress.

“But you have this ongoing background noise in relation to the strikes.

“They would have to bring that to a close well before [the May elections]. People don’t respond to things quickly unless it is something very dramatic.

“If the strikes were settled, the polls would be in a very different state. As things stand, it is difficult for the Government to get other messages across.”

A Department of Health source said: “It is disappointing that the RCN are escalating their strikes.

“Industrial action in the NHS is already having an impact on patients, with more than 80,000 appointments cancelled.

“These further walkouts, with less strike-day cover being promised, will worsen that impact and put more patients at risk.”

The source said Mr Barclay had been clear he wants to discuss pay – but only next year’s wage process.

“Our priority is keeping patients safe. The NHS has tried and tested plans in place to minimise disruption and ensure emergency services continue to operate,” the source added.

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CancerHospitalsNHSPat CullenRoyal College of NursingUnions