Paedo popstar Gary Glitter offered Bake Off-style cake lessons in halfway hostel

Pampered pop pervert Gary ­Glitter can get stuck into Bake Off-style cake-making classes at his bail hostel.

The freed child molester is also able to learn how to relax through taxpayer-funded painting therapy, yoga and pilates.

And the 78-year-old can even create a “mood diary” to keep his spirits up during his stay at the cushy halfway house.

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But paedophile Glitter’s new neighbours fear for the safety of their kids as it is close to schools and a housing estate.

The convicted paedo was recently released from prison after serving half of his sentence
(Image: Press Association)

A source said: “While mums and dads are worrying, Glitter can take full advantage of the hostel rehabilitation process, which includes ­offers of ­relaxing ­activities from learning how to bake to yoga.”

Angry locals last week protested outside the building in the south of England, shouting: “Watch out, Glitter’s about”.

The sex beast, real name Paul Gadd, was released from jail halfway through his 16-year sentence.

Glitter was found guilty of a number of criminal offences in 2015
(Image: Press Association)

He is staying at the hostel ahead of being fully ­released into the community.

Glitter is eventually expected to move to a £2 million flat he owns in London.

A Ministry of Justice spokesman said bail hostels can “help offenders stay on the straight and narrow”.

They added that they “have ­robust ­safeguards in place to keep the public safe”.

