Joe Westerman’s wife claims cheating pal in sex video has been sacked from her job

The wife of Joe Westerman has claimed the blonde woman who was caught in the sex act video with him has been sacked from her job.

Lauren Westerman opened up about the harm the graphic video has had on herself and her family. Filmed in a dark alley in Pontefract, West Yorks, the video of the Rugby League ace doing a sex act with a blonde woman was uploaded onto Twitter for the social media world to see.

Lauren also admitted her children have also struggled to come to terms with the video and even said she does not know if they will “ever forgive their dad”. However, she is not the only person who has suffered as a result of the video.

READ MORE: Joe Westerman’s wife insists marriage is ‘finished’ after rugby star’s sex act video

She stated the woman who was with Westerman in the video has also been sacked from her role as an estate agent. “She’ll never live it down,” Lauren said to the Sun.

“She’s lost her job and there are memes of her sweeping the internet. Her children are going to see that. I don’t know if our children will ever forgive their dad. There will be no more family dinners, no family days out.

Joe Westerman was caught on video doing the sex act in public

Joe Westerman’s wife has insisted that their marriage is over after he was caught performing a public sex act
(Image: Twitter)

“It’s all gone. The kids won’t be able to see him play again because of the chants he will now inspire. I just hope in time they can forget it.” Lauren recently stated their marriage is “finished” as a result of the viral video, despite the fact Westerman apologised and blamed his antics on the alcohol.

Nevertheless, after nearly nine years of marriage, Lauren insisted there is no coming back. “There’s no way you can come back after something so horrific,” she added.

“It is one trillion per cent finished. What kind of example would I be setting to my children – particularly my girls – if I were to give it another go? I want them to know that this is not alright, that it isn’t acceptable behaviour in a relationship and that we all have self-worth.”


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