Woman looks unrecognisable after 4st weight loss – and now she can ‘do anything’

A mum lifted the lid on her weight loss transformation after shedding 4st.

Rachel Falcus, 42, is now inspiring others to kickstart their journeys after finding success from hers.

Since joining Slimming World around 15 years ago, the mum has won a national award for her transformation.

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The mum-of-three also discovered a passion for running and trained as a Slimming World Consultant herself.

Now Rachel, from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, has been named Slimming World’s Top Target Consultant 2023.

Speaking about her weight loss, she said: “I was overweight from the age of nine.

“I didn’t play any sports, and my mum worked nights.

“My dad tried his best, yet the food he would make for us was usually ready meals or takeaways.”

Rachel Falcus before her weight loss
(Image: Slimming World)

After leaving school Rachel started working as a civil servant and met her husband, Craig, 41.

Unhappy with her size, she began a new diet every few months and although she would lose weight, she then regained the pounds once she stopped.

Following the arrival of her sons, James 18, and Liam 15, Rachel’s confidence was at an all-time low.

In September 2007, weighing more than 15st and wearing a size 22, Rachel decided to join a Slimming World group, after hearing good things from friends and family.

She added: “The idea of joining a group was daunting at first, I soon came to realise I was in a room full of like-minded people who were all there for the same reason though.

“The feeling in my group was like nothing I’d ever experienced before – for the first time I didn’t feel alone with my weight.

“The other members of the group soon became friends who rooted for me each week.”

Rachel Falcus turned to Slimming World when no other diets worked
(Image: Slimming World)

Rachel began following Slimming World’s Food Optimising eating plan and changed her diet of ready meals and takeaways for home-made cooking.

After building up her confidence by cooking simple Slimming World recipes, she soon discovered she could enjoy all her favourite meals like burgers and chips by preparing them from scratch, and still lose weight.

She continued: “I had never cooked from scratch and here I was cooking up healthier versions of the foods I loved, and the weight just kept coming off.

“It felt good to be cooking for my family, especially knowing it was healthy food. Now, it’s second nature.

“Craig and I will look at the Slimming World app in the morning decide what we’re going to have that night, and then spend time together cooking. It’s a way of life that we love.

“People ask me what the ‘secret’ is to keeping the weight off, but there’s no secret really.

“It doesn’t feel like hard work because this is just my way of life.

She dropped 4st and became a Slimming World Consultant
(Image: Slimming World)

Rachel hit her target weight of 10st 7lbs, losing 4st 9.5lbs and wearing a size 10, in December 2008.

Now she feels like she can do anything since her weight loss.

Talking about becoming a Slimming World Consultant herself, she said it happened when she saw the opportunity.

She admitted: “It suddenly struck me how perfect the role would be for me. I wanted to help people change their lives like I’d changed mine.

“In time, I left my job in the civil service to become a full-time Consultant. I now have 400 members every week – and have been supported through training and by my fantastic team of other Consultants in the local area along the way.

“It’s been such a positive experience.”

Even her husband Craig, who lost 5st himself, recently trained to become a Consultant too.

Rachel is hoping to inspire other people with their journeys
(Image: Slimming World)

She gushed: “I have to pinch myself at how much my life has changed.

“Winning the title of Top Target Consultant 2023 really is the best recognition I could ever ask for. I do this job because I love what I do.

“My members are amazing, and they keep me as motivated as I do them. It’s an incredibly rewarding role. When I look back almost 15 years ago, it’s hard to recognise myself.”


Height: 5ft 4ins/162cm

Starting weight: 15st 2.5lbs/212.5lbs/96kg

Current weight: 10st 7lb/147lbs/67kg

Weight loss: 4st 9.5lbs/65.5lbs/29kg

Dress size before: 22

Dress size now: 10

Date joined Slimming World: September 2007

Date achieved target weight: December 2008

Time at target: 14 years 2 months

Group: Rachel runs the Killingworth Slimming World groups in Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Before menu

Breakfast: Nothing

Snack: A large chocolate bar

Lunch: Lasagne microwave ready meal

Snack: Bag of crisps

Dinner: A Chinese or Indian take away

After menu

Breakfast: A sweet omelette served with fat-free natural yogurt and fresh fruit

Mid-morning: Fresh fruit such as an apple, banana, melon or grapes

Lunch: Home-made pasta salad or Slimming World lunch bowl from Iceland

Mid-afternoon: A fat-free flavoured yogurt

Dinner: Homemade fake-away such as a Chinese or Indian meal

Evening: Two Slimming World Hi-Fi bars

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Slimming WorldWeight Loss