World Cup’s sexiest fan says she is a ‘magnet for toxic a**holes’ after Qatar fame

The World Cup’s sexiest fan has said she is a “magnet for toxic a**holes” after rising to fame in Qatar.

Former Miss Croatia Ivana Knoll wowed fans during the World Cup last year as she stunned in her country’s colours during their run to the semi-finals. Her racy outfits won her thousands of admirers, with her Instagram following now standing at 3.5 million two months on from the end of the tournament.

However, she has now revealed that she has been unfortunate with the opposite sex during her dating life as she discussed her relationship history during a recent podcast appearance.

READ MORE: World Cup’s sexiest fan parties in London club and gets struck by arrow from Cupid

Speaking to the Toxic Anonymous podcast, she admitted: “I’m a magnet for toxic a**holes, a real one.” Knoll also recalled one argument with a boyfriend when living in Croatia.

She continued: “I have one story, I was with my boyfriend. I don’t remember the fight, I don’t remember the reason, but the fight was very bad.

“We had been in my apartment in Zagreb and we had a fight. Then he left on the stairs and I wanted to catch him but he was faster than me. Then I jumped half a floor of stairs and he almost broke his knees because I jumped on him, to stop him.

What was Ivana Knoll’s best moment at the World Cup? Let us know in the comments section below.

Ivana Knoll rose to fame at the World Cup in Qatar
(Image: instagram/knolldoll)

“Then I brought him back to my apartment because he wanted me to get normal and calm down again. But I took both our phones and the apartment key and I threw them down from the balcony and we couldn’t go out, call or nothing.”

As well as boosting her following with her antics at the World Cup, Knoll also amassed almost a billion page views on the platform in December alone.

Ivana Knoll was dubbed the “World Cup’s sexiest fan”
(Image: Getty Images)

However, she did ruffle feathers with her choice of clothing during the tournament after visiting fans had been told to cover their shoulders and avoid short skirts when attending matches.

Knoll has continued to attend matches since the World Cup ended and showed off her perky bum at the Premier League clash between Arsenal and Manchester City on Wednesday.


Ivana KnollWorld Cup