Thousands of Brits urged to live in stunning city where pay is three times more than UK

Brits fed up of the weather and their salaries could be snatched by a team of Aussies coming over with a view to nabbing skilled workers.

Australians in one of the country’s most sun-drenched cities are coming over later this month in a bid to get some of us to move there for work – where we could be earning up to three times as much.

The city of Perth is currently battling a major shortage of workers, and are prepared to offer incentives to lure us to the other side of the world.

Doctors, teachers, nurses, police officers, mechanics and dentists are needed in the Western Australian city, as well as plumbers, builders, hospitality workers and miners.

Police officers, nurses and teacher are among the professions Aussies are looking to recruit from Britain
Paul Papalia)

The mission forms part of a trade deal the Aussies have made with the UK as the country looks to fill 31,000 vacancies.

It’s hoped the promise of more sunshine, better wages which are up to thrice as much as they are in the UK, and a better cost of living, will be enough to pull people over.

Police and Defence Industry minister Paul Papalia will lead a delegation of recruiters heading to London, Bristol, Edinburgh and Dublin to encourage us to jump ship.

Paul Papalia says Perth can offer a fantastic quality of life
Paul Papalia)

Paul said: “We are here to steal your workers by offering them a better life in one of the most beautiful places on the planet.

“Western Australia is a fantastic place to live and work.

“Our wages are higher and our cost of living is lower. Our health system is world-class. You will be taken care of.

“Most of Perth’s population lives a short drive from the beach, where parking is free.

Paul Papalia is upfront about Australian officials wanting steal Brits for jobs Down Under
Press Box PR)

“There are no tolls on our roads. We don’t have anything close to what would be considered a traffic jam by UK standards.

“And if you don’t want to drive public transport is also capped. The most you’ll ever pay for a one way ticket anywhere is £2.86.

“That’s all it will cost you to get a train from the airport to the city centre.

“And we have free buses in our entertainment precincts and business district.

“Perth is a beautiful, clean and vibrant city, with food, bars, pubs and restaurants to cater to all tastes.”

Australian bodysnatchers are coming to steal 31,000 Brits for a luxury life in sun
Paul Papalia)

According to financial analysts, a nurse earning £30,000 in the UK could expect to earn up to £50,000 in Oz.

The average salary in Perth is around $80,000 (AUD), or about £46,000.

Household energy bills in Australia however are currently at about £1,376 a year on average – compared with the eye-watering £2,600 price cap for Brits.

And for a more quintessentially British frame of reference, the typical price of a pint in Australia is $9 – about £5.

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AustraliaDoctorsLiving wageTeachers