Brit bloke wanted family to eat him in sick cannibal ritual at his own funeral

A man wanted to make a meal of his own funeral – by requesting his family eat his body.

The cannibal plea was revealed in a survey of odd demands made to funeral directors in the past year.

As cannibalism is illegal in the UK, the family were told in no uncertain terms that they could not eat their loved one.

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But among other bizarre requests – which were all granted – one man asked to be dressed as Santa in his coffin.

The bloke had made a series of odd requests for his funeral (stock)
(Image: Getty Images)

Another said they wanted pick ’n’ mix sweets to be thrown on their coffin instead of earth, while mourners all dressed as the Honey Monster for the funeral of a person who loved Sugar Puffs.

Another man went in his coffin dressed as Elvis. And at one service, a dance teacher’s son did a tap routine.

An agricultural worker asked for his coffin to be lined with a bed of hay and at another funeral, mourners left the crematorium while dancing to Agadoo by Black Lace.

Ian Atkinson, the boss of SunLife which carried out the study, said: “Four out of five funeral directors told us there has been a rise in ‘celebration of life’ funerals.

Personal touches at the funeral included Elvis, the Honey Monster and a cannibalistic request (stock)
(Image: Getty Images)

“Each year, there are some great examples of how people include personal touches to make their loved ones’ funerals really special.”

It was not the only weird funeral news, with a family sending off the prosthetic legs of their father to Ibiza, but soon realising it was somewhere much less glamorous.

Daily Star reported that the family had sent out the legs to sea after his death, but their hopes of the prosthetics ending up at the party pad island were dashed when they washed up much closer to home.

The family were “shocked” to find the leg had not made its way to Ibiza.

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