Dating expert shares type of man that’s good in bed – but they’re risky

A dating expert said there’s a certain type of man who you know will be good in bed – even if it doesn’t seem like the best idea.

It turns out “the wrong type of guy” is always good when it comes to sex and Jana Hocking said some of her “situationships” have proved it.

She’s had great sex with men who she knows wouldn’t make the right partner – but they often know how to please her in the sack.

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Jana said the type of men who hit all the right spots sexually usually embody the same qualities – they don’t want commitment, can be off and on when it comes to giving you attention and often have a questionable past.

Unfortunately, even though they have some not-so-attractive qualities, they are usually pretty hot between she sheets.

Jana said it may not always seem like a good idea, but it has its perks
(Image: Christopher Khoury/Australian Press Agency via ZUMA/REX/Shutterstock)

Writing for, she said: “It feels a bit naughty, it’s experimental because we know it’s not going to last therefore aren’t worried about coming across as ‘wife material’, and we can’t be 100% sure we’re going to do it again, so it’s slightly addictive.

“Good lord just thinking about it makes me hot under the collar.

“So, here’s another question for you: Is sex with someone who is not ‘the one’ a bad thing?”

Jana said she’s been debating the answer for a while, and she came to the conclusion that it may be a “blessing in disguise”.

If you can avoid catching feelings she said all you end up with is a red hot sex life, and that can’t be seen as a bad thing.

As many people know, the serotonin release after a good sex sesh can last up to a day, so a night of passion with someone who knows what they’re doing is good for your health.

Having a great time between the sheets is never a bad thing
(Image: Getty Images/Cultura RF)

When it comes to the benefits of sex with this certain type of man, Jana said it can definitely make you feel alive.

It’s also a turn on to feel like you’re doing something naughty with someone you shouldn’t be.

Stepping outside of your comfort zone can also have benefits, and it’s exciting not to know what’s going to happen next.

Jana added it’s also great to experiment with someone you feel comfortable with, even if you know it isn’t going to last forever.

She said: “It’s not going anywhere. They remind you how to have fun and with no expectations.

If you follow a few simple rules, she thinks it’s ok to have some fun
(Image: jana_hocking/Instagram)

“They teach you to never rely on a man for all your needs, and are a great time-filler until the right person comes along.

“Plus I also find that these guys are always keen for sex, which is great for your libido.”

Jana sad there are some strict rules to follow if you want to have some fun with a “bad boy”.

The expert said you should avoid falling pregnant with him, always use protection and remember it will come to an end eventually.

As long as you follow these guidelines, she said it’s fine to have some fun.


Sex confessions