Should Donald Trump have been allowed back on Facebook and Instagram? YOU voted

After two years in the mainstream social media wilderness, Donald Trump has been allowed back on Facebook and Instagram.

Tech giant Meta have now lifted his suspension, saying the public ‘should be able to hear what their politicians are saying’.

And his supporters have wasted no time in welcoming the former US president back, inundating him with well-wishes and messages of support.

Mr Trump was suspended from both platforms following the Capitol riot in 2021.

The Mirror ran a poll on whether he should have been allowed back on the big-name social media platforms, with only 69 of you welcoming his return and 230 wanting him to stay away.

While there was some support for Trump, with readers praising his leadership and patriotism, many branded him a ‘liar’ and said he caused a lot of harm during his four years as president.

Drastic action to remove the 76-year-old from the platforms was taken following his “praise for people engaged in violence at the Capitol”, said Nick Clegg, Meta’s president of global affairs.

“The suspension was an extraordinary decision taken in extraordinary circumstances,” he added.

A subsequent review found that Mr Trump’s accounts no longer posed a serious risk to public safety.

But due to his past ‘violations’ he would face heightened penalties for repeat offences.

Many of you commented on the story, here’s a flavour of just some of the responses:

In support of Trump

Gogetter: ‘Bring him back … he was the best president ever. The world was safer … we were safer. Today, we’re not’.

Timetowakeup: ‘Trump has his own social media site, called Truth Social. So yes, let him back. Let him speak, it’s called democracy’.

Tory333: ‘Definitely – Make America Great Again. The American economy was never as great as when The Donald was president. No inflation … made in America goods … now look who we have – Mr Magoo, the Great Imposter who looks like he is on a day pass from a nursing home’.

Point of view: ‘Only if he is censored’.

Hazelcaudill: ‘Free speech is for everyone or it is for no one, whether I agree with the person or not’.

Bredbury: ‘As usual, people don’t understand what is at stake here. Your freedom, the blurring of state and big tech is very worrying. You should be afraid’.

Against Trump

Juggler: ‘More to the point what happens when Trump tries to spin his ‘Big Lie’ about winning the 2020 presidential election and claiming it was stolen from him? This is NOT a legitimate opinion but an out and out lie which Trump has repeated ceaselessly since being beaten soundly by Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.

‘No man or woman hoping to become the next American president should be allowed to lie and dissemble without being called out’.

Ghostwriter: ‘Trump’s brand of lies, name calling and blatant trouble making has no place on such platforms’.

Neganusa: ‘No he should not’.

Wheels500: ‘No, too many soft-headed Americans believe every word he says’.

OldBird44: ‘Obviously not. No brainer. He caused more harm than good’.

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Donald TrumpPolitics