‘I have a kid and smoke weed daily – people call me drug addict but I’m a good mum’

A mum who smokes weed every single day says people assume she’s a drug addict.

Britt Hibbitts has a daughter, four, and she believes cannabis gives her benefits that make her a better parent.

She consumes it as medication for anxiety, depression, ADHD, OCD and insomnia.

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And by doing so she described having more energy, patience, creativity and better quality sleep.

But she said it remains a big taboo and claimed it is more socially acceptable for mums to drink wine while parenting than to light up a spliff.

She lives with her girlfriend and daughter, four
(Image: Britt Hibbitts)

In a candid interview with the Daily Star, the 32-year-old said: “There’s most definitely a huge stigma on mums who use cannabis.

“If you smoke, people will instantly think you are unproductive and a drug addict but that’s not how it is at all.

“You can be a fully functional mum while using cannabis. You just have to pay attention to the strains of cannabis and how your body reacts to that strain.

“I’ve been looked down a few times for smoking cannabis.

“But I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that there are mums who can drink and do whatever around their children, but bring cannabis out and you get looked at like a drug dealer.

“It would be cool if us cannabis mums could enjoy our joint while the other mums down a bottle or two of wine.”

She says weed allows her to be her true self
(Image: Britt Hibbitts)

Britt hails from Michigan, US, where getting high on wacky backy has been legal since November 2018.

The influencer tried her first spliff aged 15 when it was “really looked down upon”.

Over the years she drank occasionally but always came back to cannabis to make her feel better.

She is now open with her little girl who knows weed as being “adult medicine”, which helps her mummy.

But despite being judged, she doesn’t smoke in front of her daughter.

The mum says it gives her motivation to be active
(Image: Britt Hibbitts)

She told us: “I do it a few times throughout the day until before bed and then a little more.

“I have a home office that allows me to have a space of my own away from the child. It is like my sanctuary.

“I can decompress and take mum time out if need be. I don’t do it right in front of my child. She has seen me smoke outside or what not.

“She knows it helps mum and that’s where it stays.”

And asked why she is so willing to be transparent about her daily joints when such stigma is attached, she gave the following response.

Britt pictured with her girlfriend and the pair live in Holland, Michigan
(Image: Britt Hibbitts)

“I am so open about it because I want other mums to know they can smoke cannabis and feel safe.

“That you don’t have to hide in a closet or in a consumer cannabis. It’s OK!

“So many mums worry about doing what society says is ok but us as mums need to start doing what is best for us.

“And if that’s cannabis, so be it.”

