Teachers’ strike dates: When and where are schools affected?

Image: PA

Thousands of schools across England, Scotland and Wales are facing further disruption this week as teachers go on strike again over pay.

Teachers will strike on different days depending on which union they are in.

Three consecutive days of regional action will start in England on Tuesday – the same day as strikes in Scotland.

More than half of schools in England closed or partially closed in the first National Education Union (NEU) strike on 1 February.

When are NEU teachers striking?
England and Wales

Further NEU strikes are scheduled for:

28 February: North and north-west England, Yorkshire and Humber
1 March: East Midlands, West Midlands, and the NEU’s eastern region
2 March: All schools in Wales (postponed from 14 Feb), as well as south-east and south-west England, and London
15 and 16 March: All schools in England and Wales
NEU teachers in sixth-form colleges in England are due to join the walkouts.

The Department for Education (DfE) said it wanted “formal talks on pay, conditions and reform”, ahead of the latest strike days – but only if the NEU called them off.

The NEU said it would only pause strike action if good progress was made in talks first.

The strike originally planned in Wales for 14 February was postponed to allow the union to consult members on an improved pay offer from the Welsh government, which the NEU later rejected.

Northern Ireland

NEU members joined three other unions in a half-day walk out on 21 February.

When are the EIS and other unions striking?

The National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) began action short of a strike on 1 February.


The Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) and two other unions are walking out again on 28 February and 1 March.

The EIS will hold 20 further strike days between 13 March and 21 April.

Northern Ireland

Most teachers in Northern Ireland walked out for half a day on 21 February.

Five unions were already taking action short of a strike.

What are teachers’ pay demands?
Unions are calling for above-inflation increases, and want schools to get extra money to ensure pay rises do not come from existing budgets.

Teacher salaries in England fell by an average of 11% between 2010 and 2022, after taking rising prices into account, the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) says.

Most state-school teachers in England and Wales had a 5% rise in 2022. Teachers in Wales rejected a recent offer of an extra 1.5% pay rise, plus an additional one-off payment of 1.5%.

In Northern Ireland many teachers were offered 3.2% for 2021/22 and 2022/23.

In Scotland, teachers rejected a 5% increase and a subsequent offer of up to 6.85%. The government has since proposed a 6% pay rise in the current year and a further 5.5% in the new financial year, which starts in April. The EIS welcomed the proposals, which it is considering.

Education Secretary Gillian Keegan says the government has already agreed to provide an extra £2bn in school funding in England, “which will take real-terms spending on schools to its highest level in history”.

The government is proposing a 3% pay rise for most teachers in 2023/24 – but the NEU says this is not enough.

How much do teachers get paid?
The starting salary for teachers in England is due to rise to £30,000 a year by September 2023.

State school classroom teachers in England were paid an average of £38,982 in the 2021/22 school year. This compares with £39,009 in Wales and £40,026 in Scotland. Northern Ireland did not provide a figure.

The average head teacher’s salary in England for the same period was £74,095, and £57,117 for other senior leaders.

Experts in England advise the government about teacher pay, based on factors including vacancies and subject shortages.

As with all public spending, money allocated in England determines the funding awarded to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Employers also contribute 23.68% to teacher pensions, which the education secretary called “very generous”. Nurses, by comparison, receive 14.38% in employer contributions.

Will my child’s school close on strike days?

Schools should try to open, the government says, but less than half were fully operational during the 1 February strike.

Head teachers decide. Teachers don’t have to say if they are striking in advance, and there are no rules about when parents must be told about closures.

Some carers may only be told about a closure on the morning itself, once heads know which staff are available.

There are no minimum staffing rules, and heads can use agency staff and volunteers. They do not have to stick to the curriculum.

Schools may offer some remote education, but this is not compulsory.


As in England, head teachers decide whether to close.

The Welsh government says parents should ideally get a week’s notice, but individual schools must decide how best to minimise the impact of the strikes.


Almost all primary and secondary schools closed on strike days. Local councils decide.

Can I get time off work?
In England, Scotland and Wales, you have the right to time off to care for “family and dependants”, which can include emergency childcare.

Your employer must not refuse a reasonable request, but you may not be paid.

Alternatively, you may be able to take annual leave or unpaid parental leave.

Parents take unpaid leave due to teacher strikes
Will strikes affect breakfast clubs, after-school clubs and pre-schools?
Wrap-around care and pre-schools may be open, even if the main school isn’t.

However, privately-run clubs might not operate, so check.

What about vulnerable pupils and key workers’ children?
Schools in England should prioritise staying open for vulnerable pupils and key workers’ children.

Wales’ education minister says head teachers are doing “whatever they can” to support these groups.

Will exams be cancelled?
All schools and colleges should have contingency plans in place to limit disruption.

They should prioritise exams and other formal assessments on strike days, even if the school is closed to other pupils.

School leaders who fear strikes could cause disruption should consult exam boards, according to guidance for England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Students will be told if there is any change to the exam or venue.

Some Scottish prelim exams have been rescheduled due to strikes.

What happens to children on free school meals?
Schools must support children eligible for benefits-related free school meals who cannot attend school during strikes.

This might involve providing food parcels.

In Scotland, some families have been offered a packed lunch or given money to cover food costs.


EnglandIrelandScotlandstrike in UKTeachers’ strikeWales
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