Charles Bronson’s son pleads for dad’s freedom after ‘keeping nose clean’ for 8 years

As a parole board debates whether to allow Charles Bronson – one of Britain’s most notorious criminals – a few last years of freedom, his son has spoken up in support.

Speaking to LBC’s Nick Ferrari, Bronson’s son George Bamby says the 70-year-old has been in prison “for too long”.

Bronson was originally jailed in 1974 for armed robbery, but his seven-year sentence was dramatically extended due to his violent behaviour behind bars.

READ MORE: Charles Bronson dreams of chippy teas, fry-ups and walking on grass after years in jail

Trying to explain the numerous times he has assaulted other prisoners and taken hostages while in jail, he said: ”I’m a nice guy, but sometimes I lose all my senses and become nasty. That doesn’t make me evil, just confused”.

George insists that his dad is a reformed character
(Image: Channel 4)

And now Bronson’s son has spoken out in the wayward lag’s defence.

George said: “The parole hearings come round every few years, so I know he’s really stressed at the moment. He’s got a lot on his mind – emotions are running high, because he obviously feels like he’s been kept in the system far too long”

He concedes that his dad had “done a lot of really awful things” in the past, but insisted that he was now a reformed character.

George added: “For the last eight years or so, he’s not done anything wrong, he’s been working on managing his anger and all the rest of it.

“He hasn’t committed any offences inside for many years now,” George added. “He just really wants to get out of prison, he wants a chance at his freedom.”

Bronson’s fate lies in the hands of the parole board
(Image: PA)

Bronson says that getting in touch with his long-lost son has really helped.

“The system have labelled me for so many years untameable, untreatable, unpredictable, dangerous, blah, blah, blah. I’ve had every label you can think of,” he said.

“But at the end of the day what people don’t realise, since George, my son, has come into my life, I’ve changed and… George has got me the best legal team in the world… I’m coming home, I’m definitely coming home.”

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Charles BronsonPrison News