‘My evil stalker ex leaked my naked pics on Instagram after planting tracker in my car’

A woman whose stalker ex-boyfriend blasted her intimate photos on Instagram in a vicious revenge porn attack has hailed Georgie Harrison as “amazing”.

Georgia Harrisons’ life was turned upside down after former Stephen Bear betrayed her trust by uploading CCTV footage of the pair having sex onto OnlyFans – without her consent.

Following his trial in December, Bear was found guilty of voyeurism by a majority verdict, and guilty of two counts of disclosing private sexual photographs and films with intent to cause distress.

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Bear received a 21-month prison sentence at Chelmsford Crown Court earlier this month.

Former Love Islander Georgia, 28 waived her right to anonymity to give a full statement in court, detailing the embarrassment and damage the incident has caused her career and her physical and mental health.

She has hailed Georgia Harrison as amazing for giving victims a voice
(Image: Courtesy Karolina Smith / SWNS)

Fellow revenge porn victim Karolina Smith has praised the star for speaking out, stating the case brought up “a lot of complicated feelings” for her.

The 26-year-old was stalked and harassed by her ex-partner, Ben Rothon, 37.

Rothon was found guilty of stalking causing serious alarm or distress, including an offence for disclosing private sexual content, relating to naked images in 2019.

A restraining order was issued by a judge at Basildon Crown Court – which is valid for another six years.

Karolina says much like Georgia, she also felt “terrified” when she discovered her former partner had uploaded naked images online.

Karolina was granted a restraining order against her ex
(Image: Courtesy Karolina Smith / SWNS)

The recent university graduate, from Lancaster, said: “I followed that case from beginning to end, and it made me so angry.

“Stephen Bear got a very similar sentence to Ben – and, like Ben, he showed absolutely no remorse.

“Women like Georgia Harrison shouldn’t have to fight to prove something horrendous happened to them. I think she’s absolutely amazing for speaking out in the ITV documentary – if I had the same platform, I’d be doing the exact same thing.

“She’s a brilliant example to women everywhere – especially the women who know exactly what she’s going through. She’s giving us a voice.”

Karolina met ben at the local council office where they both worked in November 2017. Rothon opened up to her via email about his divorce via email.

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They began officially dating in March 2018 and in the eight months they were together Karolina says Rothon showed “a number of insecurities”.

She says he would show up unannounced while she was out with friends, accused her of sleeping with men she worked with, and allegedly placed a tracker which looked like a watch battery in her car.

When their relationship ended, Rothon created an Instagram account using Karolina’s full name and posted “countless” naked photos and videos of her.

The posts were captioned insults such as “wh*re”.

She says the ordeal left her with a depression diagnosis – and she’s “constantly worrying” he will turn his attention to other women.

