‘Creepy Prem player told me to hit him up once I turned 18 – I felt like a pizza order’

A teenage girl revealed how a Premier League footballer slid into her DMs and told her to contact him once she turned 18.

Horrified Tanisha Bellucci “felt like a pizza order” and was disgusted by it.

The model, who recently turned 18, showed the interaction to her mum who was equally appalled.

READ MORE: ‘Everton footballer begged for Snapchat nudes and sent nasty messages when I refused’

In Instagram messages seen by Daily Star, the footballer, who is employed by a top flight team, sent a fire emoji in response to one of Tanisha’s stories.

He then asked how old she was to which Tanisha replied: “18 in four weeks.”

She felt like the footballer wanted to use her
(Image: Pixbygiovanni)

And 24 hours later he responded with: “Looool shout me then.”

Tanisha spoke exclusively with us after the athlete approached her through social media.

She said: “I was creeped out because of his status and was shocked how easy it is for someone well known to just try and sh*g someone.

“It was a pure booty call and that’s what disgusted me. I felt like a pizza order and it felt like he was actually ordering a takeout with toppings.

“It felt like prostitution, there was not even an offer for a drink, just ‘shout me’ when I am ready. He wanted to go’ bend over’ and then recycle me and that’s what is the most shocking thing.”

The model was approached by the sportsman on Instagram
(Image: Pixbygiovanni)

Tanisha still lives with her mum Carla in Hitchin, Herts.

And Carla, 41, spoke of her revulsion that a young professional sportsman, who we are not naming, told her daughter to hit him up once she became a certain age.

The former glamour model told us: “I’m furious at these footballers chasing my daughter when she is only just 18.

“She shared it with me as she said she loves to share everything with me. We are super close, thank god she did.”

And Carla believes it is important to raise awareness about the messages for the benefit of other parents and their teenage children.

Tanisha posing with her outspoken mum Carla
(Image: Pixbygiovanni)

She explained: “This is a huge wake up call for parents to make sure they communicate with their kids.

“It could have ended up in a situation. All these teens nowadays will do anything for fame but these celebrities don’t mess around.

“They think because of a status they can use and abuse and no one will say anything, it’s a scary world.

“This online world is so easy to manipulate young girls. Most of these guys are married but these young girls are so naive.

“My message is just to communicate and talk, talk, talk. People may slam me but I stand by this, I am a good mum.

“You may not agree with things I say or do but my kids are well educated and looked after.”


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