Raoul Moat’s daughter admits ‘looking like’ evil dad and fears her issues may ‘escalate’

The daughter of evil murderer Raoul Moat has opened up about how she fears she could end up like her dad and has been left begging for help.

Katelaine Fitzpatrick has opened up about her life, 13 years after her dad went on the run, armed and intent on mass murder.

Now 24, she remains haunted by her father’s death after a seven-day manhunt and fears his mental health issues could impact on her.

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The former nightclub bouncer from Newcastle shot three people in the North East, killing one, and blinding a police officer, PC David Rathband.

Katelaine, then 11, was whisked to safehouse where she watched her father’s chilling warning played over and over on TV – goading officers with a threat to kill them and warning he would only stop when he was dead.

And that’s exactly what played out when Moat, finally surrounded, shot himself after a six-hour, riverside stand-off in Rothbury.

The daughter of Raoul Moat, pictured here in 2020, has opened up about her fears for the future
(Image: North News & Pictures northnews.co.uk)

Now, ahead of a new ITV three-part documentary into what happened airing on April 16, 17 and 18, daughter Katelaine has spoken out about the harrowing experience and how she is struggling to cope.

Speaking to the Sun Online, she said: “I’ve asked for help but been told the waiting list on the NHS is two to three years, even though they know who my dad is.

“I’m never going to kill someone but I worry my mental health problems could escalate in the way my dad’s did.

“I’m so different from him in so many ways though.

Moat killed one and injured two others in the course of his rampage
(Image: Supplied)

“I’m not violent and am a good parent, but it could be hereditary to me or even my children.”

Katelaine also told how she suffered serious abuse at school.

She claims that she was bulled for “looking like him”, and that she would have students yelling “Moaty” at her.

She said: “I was picked on the whole time. I was very shy and to begin with I ignored it, but I ended up fighting to defend myself.

Katelaine says was bulled for being Moat’s daughter
(Image: North News & Pictures northnews.co.uk)

“Older girls would come over to me and say, ‘You’re Raoul Moat’s daughter, aren’t you?’.

“It was awful because back then, after he died, I was confused.

“He was still my dad, and for years I would release a balloon on his birthday and write him a card, then set it alight.”

The new ITV show is set to re-enact what happened over the seven-day period.

Called The Hunt For Raoul Moat, it will star Matt Stokoe as Moat.

The new three-part ITV series will relive the horror of the Moat saga
(Image: Getty Images)

But Katelaine doesn’t appear to be too happy with the show coming out, however.

“This TV series is going to bring the horror back,” she said.

“For many it will just be a crime drama on telly, but for me and his victims, and the family of his victims, this is our life.

“He was a monster – he ruined so many lives and I don’t think it will ever stop affecting my life.”

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FamilyITVMurderpoliceRaoul Moat