Chris Eubank ‘not an a***hole’ as ex-boxer defended after Paul Gascoigne fallout

Chris McCausland has defended Chris Eubank after he was blasted by Paul Gascoigne as being arrogant and talking as if he has a “dictionary up his a**e”.

The blind comic, 45, who from the age of 21 gradually lost his sight over the course of 20 years to retinitis pigmentosa, starred with the feuding pair in Channel 4’s Scared Of The Dark reality show. It saw eight celebs, including Scarlett Moffatt and Max George, thrown together for a week in a pitch-black bunker.

Ex-boxer Chris, 56, stormed off the show after a series of bust-ups with his castmates, and alcoholic Gazza, 55, who won the show, accused the former fighter of making fun of his condition and talking down to his fellow contestants.

READ MORE: Paul Gascoigne takes aim at ‘arrogant’ and ‘two-faced’ Chris Eubank for insulting gesture

But stand-up Chris, who is also a regular on Have I Got News For You, said: “I heard about the dictionary up the a**e thing. What I learned about Chris in the bunker is that I don’t think he’s an a***hole.

“I think he’s a decent fella and he’s been through a lot, but he wasn’t prepared to let himself look silly and be vulnerable.

“Maybe that’s from his time as a boxer, and maybe that’s the mentality you have to have. But you’ve got to want to try and be independent and try and be motivated and mobile, and walk into a few things and be a bit silly and a bit daft.

“And I think because he didn’t want to look silly he tried to control the environment, and a lot of the ways he tried to do that was with his words. And with a little bit of superiority, and quite a bit of control. So, when Gazza says he’s got a dictionary up his a**e, I completely see where he’s coming from.

Comedian Chris McCausland has defended Chris Eubank

“I think we got a little glimpse of Chris Eubank in episode two of Scared Of The Dark, but he will quote things and bits of poetry and bits of Shakespeare. At one point on the show I compared him to that scene from Good Will Hunting, where [Robin Williams’ character tells Will] you can quote this text to me and say you’ve learned that to me, but you’re not letting me in to see the real you

“I said, ‘You’re playing the part of Chris Eubank that you want people to see,’ and we had a little exchange about that. But I do get what Gazza means about that, and I think that’s where it comes from – that need to be in control in that environment he couldn’t control.”

Referencing Chris’ grief over the 2020 death of his son Sebastian – killed by a massive heart attack in Dubai days before his 30th birthday and a month before he became a dad – Chris added the ex-boxer clearly had a “lot of stuff going on”.

He added: “There’s a lot of back story to him leaving. I think as we saw he had a lot going on in his head, and he’s had a lot going on in his life recently, and I think it’s unfair to say, ‘He couldn’t handle the show,’ as maybe it was a little bit of a perfect storm of stuff going on for him.

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Chris Eubank Sr stormed off Channel 4’s Scared Of The Dark
(Image: Jonathan Ford / Channel 4)

“He certainly felt I think out of his depth, as everybody did in that environment. But whereas Gazza was willing to walk into things and almost laugh at himself, and not take himself too seriously, but Eubank didn’t seem to cope too well with that.”

Chris – who is convinced Scared Of The Dark is headed for a Bafta award – said he ended up being a force for diplomacy on the show as he has spent years learning to be patient about “banging my head on s**t”.

He added his biggest fear was flying as he gets spooked at the slightest bit of turbulence.

Chris said: “I hate flying – I can’t bear it. It turns my stomach in knots, and I have to do it from time to time.
“Part of it is I can’t see the normality around me, so if we get the slightest bit of turbulence, in my head everyone’s panicking and in my head everyone’s slapping their hands to their faces and doing the Macaulay Culkin silent scream [from Home Alone], so I’m a nightmare to sit next to – asking, ‘What was that?’ And they’re like, “It’s fine Chris, everyone’s still serving drinks.’”

Paul Gascoigne clashed with Chris Eubank of Scared Of The Dark
(Image: E4)

The comic, who lives with his wife Patricia and their daughter Sophie, added his biggest regrets about losing his sight are “not being able to interact visually” with their girl and see what his Liverpool football hero Mohamed Salah “can do with a ball”.

Chris’s life nearly took a very different turn when he got down to the last 30 candidates from 3,000 for a job at Mi5 before they ditched him as he was too slow at completing a terror alert task.

He said about how he would probably have stayed in the job if he had made it: “I think maybe if I’d have gotten into that I would’ve stuck at it as long as I possibly could.

“But I might have tried stand-up while I was there, you never know. It’s a cool job, but you can’t tell anyone about it, so what’s the point of that?”

All five episodes of Scared Of The Dark are available to stream now on All4.


BoxingChannel 4Paul GascoigneScarlett Moffatt