Charles caught saying ‘I shall be glad when it’s over’ while waving on palace balcony

King Charles was caught saying “I shall be glad when it’s all over” while waving from the Buckingham Palace balcony on his Coronation day, according to a lip reader.

Yesterday, May 6, millions around the world watched as Charles was crowned king at Westminster Abbey, while Camilla was made queen.

But rather than enjoying the momentous day, there was evidence that King Charles was frustrated by proceedings.

READ MORE: King Charles moans Coronation is ‘boring’ as he fumes at carriage running late

After he was crowned, the king, queen and other members of the Royal Family, including the Prince and Princess of Wales, made a balcony appearance at Buckingham Palace where they were greeted by cheers and applause.

King Charles III and Queen Camilla on the balcony of Buckingham Palace during the Coronation
(Image: UK Press via Getty Images)

But while waving, lip reader Jeremy Freeman picked up on an interesting comment.

He told the Daily Star the monarch said: “I shall be glad when it’s all over.”

It appears he wasn’t so happy with the slow carriage procession heading towards his Coronation at Westminster Abbey, either.

Picking up a moment showing an apparently frustrated Charles, Freeman quoted Charles as saying: “We can never be on time.

“There’s always something… this is boring.”

It wasn’t the only revealing moment that Jeremy picked up on.

A lip reader told the Daily Star the monarch said: ‘I shall be glad when it’s all over’
(Image: UK Press via Getty Images)

He also spotted young Prince Louis giving a three-word order to sister Princess Charlotte before stepping foot in the Abbey.

The prince, who recently turned five, was seen looking out the window inside the royal car and waving at the well wishers.

He stared out the window and said: “Wave at them.”

Louis paused and added: “Come on.”

Elsewhere, royal fans were convinced that they spotted the “Grim Reaper” walking past on the cameras.

And some claimed to have heard the choir singing “vagina” as the king and queen entered the Abbey.

Prince Harry cut a lonely figure as he arrived on his own, and his appearance left many stunned.

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King Charles CoronationKing Charles IIIQueenQueen CamillaRoyal FamilyWestminster