Super fat rats ‘resistant’ to poison invade UK homes after scoffing leftovers

An army of lardy rats is invading homes.

The new breed are thriving on food waste and nicking grub left by people feeding birds in their gardens.

Many people believe the problem is being made worse by less frequent bin collections as well as second homes laying empty.

Mark Moseley of Pestgone – who competed in this year’s Apprentice – said the main problem was that rats were “getting resistant” to poisons they’re putting down.

He said: “There are also more people in the country so that is going to lead to an increase in rats.

“There’s more waste, so more food for rats. It’s a vicious circle.”

But the rats are also getting fatter – because the foods we’re eating – like chips and microwave dinners are so fatty.

Mark added: “People will sit in their gardens and feed pigeons.

“Rats come over to feed on the bird food, which also attracts foxes who feed on rats.”

Mark Moseley, who competed in The Apprentice, said more waste has led to more rats
(Image: BBC/Fremantle Media/Ray Burmiston)

Rentokil said brown rats can be found wherever there are dark brown droppings in a tapered, spindle shape – like a grain of rice.

Signs of rats also include gnaw marks and shredded loft insulation and cardboard used to make nests.

Rats nest in burrows but also rat nests can be found in lofts, attics, under eaves and even in cavity walls.

People are being advised to check out their lofts and attic spaces for any signs of rats and also to look behind appliances such as cookers, washing machines – or any gaps where pipework or cables enter your property from outside.

Outside homes, we should check under decking or along the edges for any signs from gnawing and sheds, as well as garages, compost bins, vegetation and drains.

PestUK’s website said the current heat wave will also see rats being more visible due to their searching for water as they do not take moisture from their food.

To get rid of rats, experts use poison bait that usually requires that the rats feed several times before dying.

It takes up to seven days before the rats start feeding on the bait as they are suspicious of new objects.

A female rat will live for two years and can produce up to 60 young a year alone.

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RatsSuper Rats