Tory Suella Braverman ‘asked civil servants to arrange private speed course’

Tory Suella Braverman asked officials to help arrange special treatment over a speeding fine, it was claimed last night.

Labour demanded an urgent investigation into the Home Secretary after it emerged she had asked civil servants to arrange a one-to-one speed awareness course in order to avoid a fine or points on her license.

Ms Braverman wanted a private course – or to be allowed to attend an online session with her camera off and using a false name – because she feared she’d be recognised by other motorists, according to the Sunday Times.

When civil servants refused to help, she asked a political aide to persuade the course provider to agree.

When the provider refused, she opted to take three points on her license instead.

She was handed a speeding ticket by police after being caught outside London while she was Attorney General, the government’s most senior law officer.

It comes after Tory MP Will Wragg claimed Ms Braverman had asked Parliament authorities whether she could claim a speeding ticket on expenses on her first day in Parliament in 2015.

Labour’s Yvette Cooper called for an urgent investigation
Getty Images)

She’s been accused of breaking the ministerial code, which says ministers “must uphold the political impartiality of the civil service and not ask civil servants to act in any way which would conflict with the civil service code.”

“As Home Secretary Suella Braverman is responsible for upholding the law, yet this report suggests she has tried to abuse her position to get round the normal penalties so it is one rule for her and another for everyone else,” Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper said.

“We’ve had 13 years of the Tories trying to dodge the rules for themselves and their mates. Enough is enough. The Home Secretary and the Prime Minister need to both urgently explain what has been going on, including what the Prime Minister knew when he reappointed her.”

A source close to Ms Braverman told the Sunday Times: “Ms Braverman accepted three points for a speeding offence which took place last summer. The Cabinet Office was notified of this as requested by Ms Braverman. She was not and is not disqualified from driving.”

A Cabinet Office spokesman said: “It would not be appropriate to comment on the existence of or content of advice between government departments.”

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Ann WiddecombeCivil servantsConservative PartyNigel FaragePoliticsPublic servicesSpeedingSuella BravermanYvette Cooper