Cocaine-dealing kickboxer who had ringside brawl was ‘head of criminal group’

A kickboxer known for his involvement in a huge brawl at a fighting event has been jailed after his role as the head of an OCG (Organised Criminal Gang) was uncovered.

Liam Chung got involved at the Black-E event in Liverpool when an illegal move prompted scary scenes as six men were jailed over the violence in 2018.

On Friday (June 23), Chung was convicted of being involved in dealing Class A and B drugs, with prosecutor Alex Leach KC, revealing that the criminal “relied upon a close network, whom he trusted to carry out his instructions.”

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In an incredible criminal spree, the 37-year-old played a part in supplying at least 12kg of cocaine, 1.25kg of heroin, 20kg of cannabis and 4kg of amphetamine, which he dealt remotely from Spain.

To make matters worse, he was convicted of dealing a semi-automatic firearm to be supplied to another underworld figure who was hoping to gun down a “rival.”

Liam Chung will spend 20 years behind bars
(Image: Liverpool Echo)

In messages obtained by investigators, Chung had agreed to provide a firearm to an unnamed man going under the alias of ‘Full Bat’. Subsequently, upon raiding his house, police discovered he’d received £20,000.

Timothy Kray KC, defending, told the court: “The points in mitigation, really, are his guilty pleas and the fact that his convictions are not further aggravated by earlier serious offending. He has to do some hard time.

“Mr Chung is someone who is a man with certain things about him. When he is released, he is going to be in his middle age.

“He has got a four-year-old daughter. His partner is standing by him.

“The hope for some leniency at this stage as some incentive to him that, when all of that is done, he seeks rehabilitation and that process at the end has made things worthwhile, that he can truly rehabilitate and that he is out seeing his daughter when she is still a child.”

The brawl scared the audience
(Image: Liverpool Echo)

Chung received 20 years after pleading guilty to conspiracy to supply heroin, cocaine, amphetamine and cannabis. In addition, he admitted conspiracy to transfer a prohibited weapon and possession of criminal property.

Back at the event in 2017, The Mirror revealed that the aggressor who took the kick to the head was left in a pool of his own blood.

The unsettling scenes were witnessed by terrified children who hung onto their parents as the announcer begged the yobs to stop.

Prosecutor Zilah Williams confirmed that the fight broke out during a match-up between Darren Lawler and Adam Lea.

She told Liverpool Crown Court: “Mr Lea performed what appeared to be a prohibited move on Mr Lawler.

“The referee stopped the fight. Mr Lawler was bleeding heavily from a large cut inflicted on his forehead.”

“His cornerman promptly climbed through the ropes, entered the ring, and went for Adam Lea.”

In addition, Chung, who was on the run in Malaga for three years until he was caught in August 2020, stormed the ring.

The incident left one man hospitalised

The Liverpool Echo reports Chung entered the ring and began throwing punches at Lea before he was hit over the head with a stool by one of the fighter’s cornermen.

Lea was also said to have retaliated as Chung exited the ring by picking up a stool and hurling it, but it did not hit anyone.

The prosecutor said: “punches were thrown indiscriminately” as bottles smashed down on the floor from the balcony.

Lea’s pal, Travis Muat, aka Whelan, 28, jumped through the ropes and chucked a chair before being struck by a metal post swung by Anthony Addison.

An enraged Muat picked up the post and hit Addison over the head, knocking him to the ground, before going in again for a second blow.

Spotting his opportunity to strike, Gerrard Gilboy, 30, landed a punch on Addison as he slumped to the floor.

Lea’s brother, Ian Lea Jr, 28, also punched Addision, before brutalising an innocent victim with a fiercely-delivered elbow.

Now out cold, Addison was the victim of a coward’s move as the brothers’ dad, Ian Lea Sr, 53, kicked the unconscious man in the head twice.

Judge Alan Conrad delivered the following sentences:

  • Muat, of John Bagot Close, Everton – 12 and a half months
  • Gilboy, of Maryport Close, Everton – 12 and a half months
  • Lea jnr, of John Bagot Close, Everton – 10 months
  • Lea SNR, of Liverpool Road, Lydiate – 20 months
  • Addison, of Superior Close in Netherley – seven and a half months
  • Gildea, of Whiterock Street in Anfield – 15 months

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