Coleen Rooney criticizes Rebekah Vardy for sharing a narrative involving her sister.

Coleen Rooney criticizes Rebekah Vardy for maliciously discussing the act of leaking a story about her deceased sister. She further accuses Vardy of engaging in actions solely for the purpose of seeking public attention.
  • A Disney+ documentary will broadcast on October 18, recounting the captivating narrative.

Coleen Rooney has strongly criticized Rebekah Vardy for openly discussing the act of leaking a story about her deceased sister, describing it as ‘cruel’.

In the well-known Wagatha Christie trial, the court was presented with text messages exchanged between Rebekah and her agent Caroline Watt, discussing the disclosure of stories.

One which Coleen has described in an interview with The Times Rebekah, Wayne’s wife, accused Coleen of seeking attention by blocking her on Instagram, which was particularly hurtful.

“I cannot reword”

In July 2022, Coleen was declared the winner in the well-known Wagatha Christie defamation dispute, and Rebekah Vardy was instructed to compensate up to £1.5 million for her legal expenses.

Rebekah filed a lawsuit against Coleen for making false statements about her involvement in leaking Coleen’s personal information to the media. This occurred after Coleen orchestrated a complex plan to uncover the source of the stories being shared with The Sun.

On May 13, 2022, Coleen Rooney is seen at the Royal Courts Of Justice in London for the highly publicized defamation dispute involving Rebekah Vardy and herself.

On May 10, 2022, Rebekah Vardy departs from the High Court in London during the Wagatha Christie court case.

Rosie McLoughlin was Coleen’s sister who died aged 14 following a lifelong battle with Rett syndrome (pictured)

How it all began: On October 9, 2019, Coleen Rooney, now 36, accused Rebekah Vardy’s Instagram account of leaking ‘false stories’ about her to the press (above) 

Coleen expressed her disbelief at someone’s attempt to fabricate a narrative about a deceased sibling, questioning the level of cruelty involved.

In her most recent interview, Coleen disclosed that she has never had a falling out with the significant other of another football player before, and she never expected it to happen.

That was until she had suspicions that Rebekah was the one leaking stories about her to the media.

Coleen expressed that prior to the conflict, she had already perceived her friendship with Rebekah as ‘abnormal’.

She expressed her ability to discern when someone is attempting to establish a friendship solely due to one’s social standing. She confidently stated her expertise in recognizing such situations.

“I perceived Rebekah’s attempt to befriend me as contrived.”

She mentioned that she was aware that Rebekah enjoyed being in the spotlight and would engage in activities solely for the purpose of gaining public attention.

Coleen stated: ‘As I gained more knowledge, I became less and less surprised.’

Prior to a revealing Disney+ documentary, Coleen shared her approach to the court case, mentioning that her husband Wayne advised her to simply be honest, as the truth is always the safest path.

She stated that if you tell a falsehood, you become anxious and are eventually discovered.

Coleen and her husband Wayne Rooney will be featured in a Disney+ documentary that will delve into their high-profile court case. The documentary, set to release on October 18, will explore the drama-filled story during what Coleen referred to as her opportunity to share her side.

During the period from September 2017 to October 2019, The Sun published several articles about Coleen. These articles covered various topics such as her trip to Mexico to explore baby ‘gender selection’ treatment, her intention to revive her television career, and the flooding incident in her basement.

However, on October 9, 2019, Coleen shocked her followers with an Instagram post where she admitted to fabricating stories and intentionally restricting the audience to a single individual to test if the information would be leaked to the press. The objective was to expose the source of the leak.

The iconic end line read: ‘It’s ……. Rebekah Vardy’s account’. The public dispute makes headlines around the world, with the hashtag #WagathaChristie trending. 

Coleen mentioned that Wayne had attempted to dissuade her from sharing the revelation and suggested that she should simply delete her Instagram account.

“No, that’s not the main idea,” she stated, mentioning that she proceeded to carry out her own undercover operation.

On May 10, 2022, in London, Coleen Rooney leaves the High Court alongside her spouse, Wayne Rooney, the former captain of the England football team.

In a bombshell interview with British Vogue, Coleen discussed the trial and documentary.

Pictured: Rebekah sensationally lost the ‘Wagatha Christie’ libel case with Coleen in July 2022

Coleen explained that Wayne is not very active on social media, and she personally finds solace in keeping things private. She acknowledges that some may question this, considering he is her husband.

I am aware that he is my spouse, but this is a personal struggle that I must face alone. Sharing it with him will not yield any benefits as there is nothing he can do to help. I must handle this on my own.

Rebekah’s own goal in British legal history was deemed one of the most disastrous, as a High Court judge discredited her evidence as either evasive or implausible. The judge further accused her of intentionally deleting crucial WhatsApp messages related to the case.

Coleen expressed that it took some time for the realization of winning the case to fully register.

‘However, when I descended the stairs that morning, I had the thought, ‘It was accomplished,” she included. ‘And that brought about a pleasant sensation.’

The chronological sequence of events in the Wagatha Christie saga: The unfolding of Coleen and Rebekah’s ongoing conflict.

September 2017 to October 2019The Sun publishes various articles about Coleen, such as her trip to Mexico to explore baby ‘gender selection’ treatment, her intention to revive her TV career, and the flooding incident in her basement.

October 9, 2019Coleen has utilized social media to make allegations against Rebekah, claiming that she has been selling stories from her personal Instagram account to the tabloids.

Coleen claims that she dedicated a period of five months in an attempt to identify the person responsible for sharing details about her and her family, using the posts she had shared on her personal social media account.

Coleen asserts that after sharing a sequence of deceptive narratives and employing a method of deduction, she has determined that only one Instagram account, owned by Rebekah, had access to them.

While expecting her fifth child, Rebekah refutes the accusations and claims that multiple individuals had been able to access her Instagram account throughout the years.

She asserts that she is extremely distressed by Coleen’s accusation, later expressing, “I believed she was my ally, but she utterly destroyed me.”

The global media attention focuses on the public argument, which gains popularity with the trending hashtag #WagathaChristie.

February 13, 2020Rebekah, during an emotional interview on ITV’s Loose Women, reveals that the conflict led to intense anxiety attacks, resulting in her being hospitalized on three occasions. In response, Coleen releases a statement expressing her desire to avoid any additional public discussions.

After Coleen publicly accused her, Rebekah, who was pregnant and vacationing in Dubai, promptly denied any participation.

June 23, 2020 Rebekah has initiated legal action for defamation against Coleen.

Rebekah’s legal representatives claim that she experienced significant emotional distress, pain, anxiety, and humiliation due to the dissemination of the post and the subsequent occurrences.

November 19-20, 2020The initial court hearing in London for the defamation case takes place. The judge determines that Coleen’s post from October 2019 unmistakably accuses Rebekah of committing a significant and ongoing betrayal of trust.

Mr Justice Warby concludes that the ‘natural and ordinary’ meaning of the posts was that Rebekah had ‘regularly and frequently abused her status as a trusted follower of Coleen’s personal Instagram account by secretly informing The Sun of Coleen’s private posts and stories’.

February 8-9, 2022 During a preliminary court hearing, a collection of incendiary messages exchanged between Rebekah and her agent Caroline Watt, which Coleen’s legal team claims were concerning her, are exposed.

During the court proceedings, it was stated that Rebekah did not mention Coleen specifically when she used the term ‘nasty bitch’ while conversing with Ms. Watt.

Coleen’s legal team requests additional details from the WhatsApp messages, but the court is informed that Ms. Watt’s phone was lost in the North Sea after the boat she was on encountered a wave, preventing any further extraction of information from it.

February 14Coleen’s request to bring a High Court case against Ms. Watt for the improper use of private information has been denied. Mrs. Justice Steyn, a High Court judge, stated that the request was made too late and previous chances to make the claim were not utilized.

April 13As the libel trial resumes, the High Court is informed that Ms. Watt is not suitable to provide verbal testimony.

The agent withdraws her consent for her witness statement to be utilized and retracts her waiver that would have permitted Sun journalists to disclose whether she was the source of the reportedly leaked stories.

April 29Rebekah’s lawyer, David Sherborne, informs the High Court that she seems to acknowledge that her agent was responsible for the leaked stories. He argues that a recent witness statement from Rebekah implies that Ms. Watt was the source, but Rebekah denies giving her authorization or approval.

Hugh Tomlinson, Rebekah’s attorney, states that the statement did not include ‘any alteration whatsoever in the stated argument’, as her legal representatives had no contact with Ms. Watt.

May 10 onwardsThe duration of the trial is seven days.