Activists at the fringe event of the Labour conference APPLAUD Hamas.

Activists at a fringe event during the Labour conference applaud Hamas, despite their involvement in the deaths of numerous Israelis. A Palestinian activist glorifies the deceased terrorists as martyrs, while former party leader Jeremy Corbyn chooses not to denounce the terror organization.

Today, at a left wing event held during the Labour conference, Hamas terrorists who were responsible for the deaths of numerous innocent civilians in an attack on Israel received applause.

During a gathering commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, a term used to describe the catastrophic events that resulted in the establishment of the Jewish state, the audience erupted in applause in response to the depiction of violent scenes.

One of the speakers at the event expressed her feeling of being ‘honored’ to have the opportunity to speak during this ‘significant moment’.

Over 100 individuals participated in the gathering held at The World Transformed, a progressive festival that emerged during Jeremy Corbyn’s tenure as the leader of the Labour Party, although it is not formally affiliated with the party.

Yasmin Elsouda, a member of the Palestinian Youth Movement and an activist, expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to address the audience during this significant moment in our ongoing struggle. She acknowledged the historical significance of this moment, emphasizing that it is a rare occurrence within her lifetime.

Today in Liverpool, reporters asked Mr. Corbyn if he condemned Hamas directly, but he did not provide a clear answer. It is worth noting that Mr. Corbyn is still a member of the Labour party, despite being expelled from the parliamentary party.

Yasmin Elsouda, an activist and member of the Palestinian Youth Movement, stated during a side event that “Yesterday, more than 230 of our fellow individuals… lost their lives at the hands of the Zionist entity.”

Today in Liverpool, Jeremy Corbyn, who remains a member of the Labour party despite being expelled from the parliamentary party, declined to comment on whether he explicitly condemned Hamas when questioned by journalists.

During tense interactions with journalists, the former leader of the Labour party referred to a statement he released yesterday regarding the occurrence of violence.

Late on Saturday, a woman in Tel Aviv navigates through debris.

It is claimed that Israeli civilians were forcibly removed from the streets and sent back to Gaza.

During tense interactions with journalists, the former leader of the Labour party referred to a statement he released yesterday regarding the violence.

Mr. Corbyn expressed his displeasure, asking why he was being interrupted.

Yesterday, I issued a statement urging for a cessation of hostilities, advocating for peaceful resolution, and demanding the end of the occupation of Palestine, which is essentially the underlying cause of the entire problem.

It is evident that all acts of aggression are incorrect.

Mr Corbyn has sat in the House of Commons as an independent since October 2020 after being suspended as a Labour MP over his response to a critical anti-semitism report.

Yesterday, he shared on X, previously referred to as Twitter: “The ongoing developments in Israel and Palestine are extremely concerning.”

“We require an immediate cessation of hostilities and a prompt reduction in intensity. Additionally, we necessitate a path to break free from this sorrowful pattern of aggression: terminating the occupation is the sole method to attain a fair and enduring harmony.”

Since 2021, the UK has classified Hamas as a terrorist organization.

During the fringe event at the Labour conference, Mr. Corbyn was absent while Ms. Elsouda proceeded to describe the acts of aggression towards Palestinians carried out by the Israeli authorities prior to the violent eruption in Gaza. This incident resulted in the loss of many lives and the abduction of women and children by militants.

She stated that yesterday, more than 230 of our fellow individuals lost their lives as martyrs due to the actions of the Zionist entity.

The present Zionist administration has explicitly expressed its support for a genocide, resembling another Nakba.

However, our Palestinian resistance has once again caught the Zionist entity off guard and proclaimed that they have reached their limit.

Ms Elsouda received another round of applause later on when she expressed, “Yesterday, the Palestinian resistance breached the barrier that confined over a million refugees… Are we only willing to show our support for Palestinians when they are being held at the fence and subjected to gunfire?”

Are we committed to reclaiming and freeing colonized territories? These are the important questions of our era, and it is our duty to take action and support the basic right of colonized people to resist.

Freelance journalist Zoe Holman, who chaired the event, started with ‘a brief moment of silence … to consider events and the losses not only of the last days but of the last decades and the last century in the region’.

After approximately 25 seconds, she addressed the audience, stating, “We find ourselves in a remarkably unforeseen and intense situation within this region.”

The recent events demonstrate the violent consequences of colonialism, occupation, and apartheid that have occurred for nearly a century. They serve as a reminder of the pressing need for the Palestinian justice movement.

Yesterday, families throughout Israel awoke with the anticipation of celebrating a significant day in the Jewish calendar collectively.

Instead, the residents living near the Gaza Strip experienced a day of terror and bloodshed instead of celebrating the festival of Simchat Torah.

The peace of the holy Sabbath was shattered in the early morning as marauding Hamas gunmen invaded the streets in places such as Sderot, a city less than a mile from the border.

Keir Starmer expressed strong disapproval of the ‘horrific’ acts in Israel today, as he is under pressure to take action against Labour MPs and activists who defend Hamas.

The leader of the Labour party expressed his disapproval of the ‘acts of terrorism’ as he faces challenges in preventing radical left-wing individuals, such as Jeremy Corbyn, from disrupting his pre-election conference in Liverpool.

During a BBC interview, Sir Keir expressed that the intentional act of launching missiles, causing harm to civilians, and taking hostages in Israel was a deliberate effort to hinder the progress of the peace process.

However, the Tories have been claiming that Labour has not undergone any changes, despite conflicting messages from certain factions within the party. Mr. Corbyn, who is no longer eligible to run as an MP but remains a member of the party, posted a tweet calling for a ceasefire, but it appears that he did not explicitly denounce the actions.

Suella Braverman has issued a caution that individuals who endorse Hamas or engage in acts of intimidation towards Jews in Britain will face the legal consequences.

The Home Secretary conveyed a strong message while the Met Police increased their patrols in London to provide a sense of security.

Pictures depicting individuals waving flags of Palestine and rejoicing in the violent attack within the city have been circulated on various social media platforms, including those shared by Countdown host Rachel Riley.

This morning, Ms Braverman shared a post on X stating that the government is taking all necessary measures to ensure the safety of Jewish communities.

She wrote that every time Israel is targeted, Islamists and other individuals with discriminatory beliefs exploit Israeli defensive actions to incite animosity towards British Jews.

There should be no acceptance of anti-semitism or celebration of terrorism in the public spaces of Britain.

I anticipate that the police will employ the complete extent of legal measures when dealing with demonstrations of backing for Hamas, other outlawed terrorist organizations, or any efforts to instill fear among British Jews.

Today, a fringe event took place where an activist distributed leaflets.