A man rescues a dog from being submerged by a kangaroo.

Incredible moment man saves a dog being ‘drowned’ by kangaroo

A video of a man quickly jumping into a river in the outback to rescue his dog from a wild kangaroo has gained widespread attention online.

The video, shared by the Mildura Martial Arts school in Victoria, has garnered over 2.5 million views on TikTok within a span of 10 hours.

Regrettably, the man admitted that his Brazilian Ju Jitsu skills were not effective when he intervened to rescue his dog from the 7-foot kangaroo.

A video captured a man rescuing a dog from a kangaroo attempting to drown it. The incident was documented on Tik Tok.

A video captures a man rescuing a dog from a kangaroo attempting to drown it. Image source: Tik Tok.

In the video titled ‘even kangaroos can enjoy martial arts’, the kangaroo is seen holding the dog slightly above the water.

Rushing in to save the visually distressed pet, the man is heard cursing at the kangaroo, saying: ‘I’m going to punch you f*****g head in. Let my dog go’.

Shortly after, a video captures the kangaroo aggressively lunging towards the man, exposing its arm and claws. The video abruptly ends as it plunges into the water.

The muffled sound of a struggle is heard before the video reappears to show the kangaroo standing tall in the river facing the man, with the dog now free.

The man is observed playfully throwing water at the kangaroo, then he goes back to the shore, laughing to himself and expressing frustration towards the unaffected animal.

A video captures a man rescuing a dog from a kangaroo attempting to drown it. Image: Tik Tok.

A video captures a man rescuing a dog from a kangaroo attempting to drown it. The image is from Tik Tok.

Commentators promptly showed their support for the courageous action of the man, with one user expressing their willingness to engage in a confrontation with a kangaroo to protect their own dog.

Users from other countries were confused by the encounter with something that is commonly regarded as a symbol of Australian culture and wildlife.

Letty Angeles inquired, “Do kangaroos consume dogs, or is there a reason why he is attempting to strangle it?”

Stephanie mentioned: ‘I believed that the kangaroo drowned the guy in front of his dog’.