Teenage girls should refrain from engaging in the following behavior in order to lower their chances of developing breast cancer.

  • Researchers conducted a study on mice to examine the effects of fast food consumption on female individuals.
  • Rodents exposed to proteins found in unhealthy food developed abnormal breast cells.
  • READ MORE: FDA approves $12,000 cancer treatment that uses SOUND waves
  • A preference for burgers, fries, and shakes in teenage girls may sow the seeds of breast cancer later in life.

    Consuming a diet rich in sugar, carbs, and processed meats and foods is recognized to elevate inflammation levels within the body, consequently heightening the likelihood of developing cancer and heart disease for individuals.

    A recent study has revealed that engaging in this type of diet during puberty, when girls’ breasts are developing, can have especially harmful effects.

    Researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina have discovered that fast food and junk food have elevated levels of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs). These compounds can lead to breast alterations resembling those observed in individuals with breast cancer, including heightened breast density.

    Each year, over 264,000 women receive a breast cancer diagnosis, making it the most prevalent form of cancer among women in America. Tragically, more than 43,000 women lose their lives to this disease every year.

    During adolescence, the majority of breast development takes place. Dr. Steven Quay, a physician-scientist from Seattle who was not part of the research, stated that the “challenges from the environment during this critical period can initiate alterations that may take several decades to fully develop.”

    The rodent study, published in the journal Breast Cancer Research, saw scientists produce AGE products by cooking glucose-based rodent food at 248 degrees Fahrenheit (120 degrees Celsius) for 15 minutes.

    The occurrence of a diverse range of AGEs commonly observed in foods that are fried or grilled was prompted by this.

    AGEs are detrimental substances that emerge when sugar in the bloodstream reacts with protein or fat.

    A group of mice in the midst of puberty were divided into three categories: one group was given a standard mouse diet as a control, another group received a low AGE diet, and the remaining group was provided with a high AGE diet.

    Regarding the impact on the composition of the mice’s breasts, the consumption of a high AGE diet resulted in alterations in the mammary tissue that resemble the changes observed in individuals diagnosed with extremely early-stage breast cancer.

    This included a change, which in humans, is seen through increased breast density. 

    In humans, increased breast density can only be identified using a mammogram.

    Only the mice in the high AGE diet produced abnormal breast cells. 

    Researchers have yet to fully comprehend the exact reasons behind the association between dense breast tissue and a higher susceptibility to breast cancer.

    Dense breast tissue is believed to contain a higher number of cells with the potential to become abnormal. In women, the presence of abnormal breast cells raises the risk of developing breast cancer.

    The research does not establish a direct connection between foods containing AGEs and breast cancer, but it suggests that consuming a significant amount of processed and fast-food could raise the chances of developing dense breast tissue. This, in turn, elevates the risk of future breast cancer.

    Dr. Quay urged the creation of guidelines that suggest a diet with minimal intake of processed food for teenage girls, aiming to decrease the likelihood of developing breast cancer later in life.

    There are numerous factors, including genetic ones, that can contribute to someone being diagnosed with breast cancer.

    The study did not investigate the correlation between diets high in age and the risk of breast cancer in men, but it is important to note that men can also develop breast cancer.

    Each year, over 264,000 women receive a breast cancer diagnosis. This type of cancer is the most prevalent among women in America, leading to the death of more than 43,000 individuals annually.