Home Secretary James Cleverly denies calling UK city a ‘sh**gap’ in Commons

James Cleverly has denied calling Stockton a ‘sh**gap’ throughout Prime Minister’s Questions.

The Home Secretary is alleged to have made the remark when the difficulty of poverty was raised by Alex Cunningham, the Labour MP for Stockton North. A Tory MP was overheard making the insult with many pointing the finger at Mr Cleverly.

But the brand new Home Secretary’s spokesperson mentioned: “He did not say that, and would not. He’s disappointed people would accuse him of doing so.” Mr Cunningham had been difficult the Prime Minister about baby poverty in his constituency in north-east England.

Later on Wednesday, within the Commons, Mr Cunningham mentioned: “Before the Prime Minister answered, the Home Secretary chose to add in his pennyworth. Yes, I have contacted his office advising him I planned to name him, but sadly he has chosen not to be in the chamber.

“He was seen and heard to say ‘as a result of it is a sh**gap’. I do know he’s denying being the wrongdoer, however the audio is obvious and has been checked, and checked, and checked once more. There is little doubt that these feedback disgrace the Home Secretary, this rotten Government, and the Tory Party. He is clearly unfit for his excessive workplace.”

Alex Cunningham raised the difficulty of kid poverty in his constituency at PMQs

Mr Cunningham, requested how he might safe an apology from the Home Secretary for “his appalling insult and foul language” about his seat within the North East. Commons Deputy Speaker Dame Eleanor Laing acknowledged that she believed Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle “didn’t hear any remark of the kind from the chair at the time when the honourable gentleman was asking his question”.

She added: “I understand that the alleged words were not actually used, though I appreciate what (Mr Cunningham) says. But I think we all know that it’s very difficult in the noisy atmosphere of Prime Minister’s Questions to discern exactly what someone says. So I can make no judgment here from the chair as to what was or wasn’t said.”

She acknowledged Mr Cunningham’s concern and reminded everybody: “I would remind all honourable members of the need for good temper and moderation in the language they use in this chamber.” During Prime Minister’s Questions, Mr Cunningham requested: “Why are 34% of children in my constituency living in poverty?”

Rishi Sunak responded: “It’s this Government that has ensured that across our country 1.7 million fewer people are living in… poverty as a result of the actions of this Government.” Mr Cunningham then shouted out “it’s not true” to the Prime Minister.

Mr Sunak continued: “Yes that is true. Not only that, hundreds of thousands fewer children are living in poverty, and income inequality is at a lower level than we inherited from the party opposite. But we don’t want any child to grow up in poverty, and the best way to make sure that happens is to ensure they do not grow up in a workless household.

“And that’s the reason the suitable technique is to make sure that we offer as many youngsters with the chance to develop up with dad and mom in work. And due to the actions of earlier governments, a number of hundred thousand extra households are in that place.”

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Conservative PartyJames CleverlyPMQsPolitics