Liz Truss blames the ‘Deep State’ for ‘sabotaging’ her 49 days as Prime Minister

Liz Truss has blamed the deep state for “sabotaging” her premiership as she flew to talk alongside Donald Trump at a right-wing US convention.

In a column printed by Fox News, Ms Truss issued a stern warning to Americans that the West is “doomed unless conservatives win again and are prepared to take on the institutions that have been captured by the left.”

She claimed left wingers had infiltrated colleges, college campuses and company boardrooms, and left them “infected with the dogma of wokeism”. And she claimed it was this infiltration that was in charge for her being essentially the most unpopular Prime Minister in British historical past.

“In too much of the free world, the left has been in charge for too long and the results are all too plain to see,” she wrote. “Their agents are only too active in public and private institutions and what we have come to know as the administrative state and the deep state. I saw this for myself first hand as they sabotaged my efforts in Britain to cut taxes, reduce the size of government and restore democratic accountability.”

Ms Truss will speak to Trump fans and right-wing Republicans at this week’s CPAC conference, near Washington DC on Thursday. Trump devotee Nigel Farage will address the faithful on Friday, with the former President himself set to headline the conference, giving a speech on Saturday.

Ms Truss was both the shortest-serving and least popular Prime Minister in British history, leaving in disgrace after just 49 days in office. After her kamikaze mini-budget tanked the pound and spooked markets, Ms Truss was eventually forced out by her own party.

But Ms Truss is bidding to recast herself as a defender of the Tory right, launching a fringe group called “Popular Conservatism” this month to argue for low taxes and railing against progressive social policies. “It is not enough simply to will conservative policies – we need to battle the malign ideas of the left,” she went on.

“I have come to the conclusion that the West is doomed unless conservatives win again and are prepared to take on the institutions that have been captured by the left.”

Conservative PartyCPAC Inc.Donald TrumpFox NewsLiz TrussNigel FaragePolitics