Town the place ‘solely good factor is the drug’ and even the pawn retailers are closed

“First impressions. Not great,” JoeFish says as he arrives in Yeovil.

“We are witnessing the death of the British high street before our eyes here,” he continues as he wanders by the Somerset city. He was there after he got here throughout a Daily Star article in regards to the city and determined he wished to search out out what it was like for himself.

“As a follow up to your article… I had to head down to Yeovil myself and film the town!” he advised the Star over e mail. “I was genuinely shocked at the state of the town and the street interviews were incredibly sad!”

READ MORE: Ghost city of ‘individuals consuming beer cans at 9am ‘revived’ however locals aren’t satisfied

There’s masses extra information simply to the left of the final phrase of this sentence.

As he speaks within the video, Joe feedback on how empty the realm is, “what is going on?” he asks. “Another closed shop, kebab shops, barbers, second-hand phone shops, but others, everything is empty.”

Many companies had disappeared
(Image: @joefishj/YouTube)

He will get chatting to an area, a person with lengthy hair, a longboard and smoking a cigarette. “Ever since the 2000s… it’s got sh*tter and sh*tter – this is one of the dearest places to live apparently.

“Yeah, the cash generator’s closed,” Joe provides, because the pair look over on the shutdown pawn retailers, a sort of enterprise famed for his or her means to outlive in struggling cities. The man notes that even the escalators are closed within the city centre.

Joe was shocked by what he noticed
(Image: @joefishj/YouTube)

“If you want a good place to go to around here bruv, I’d go to a different place if I was you. The thing good about this is a fag – do you want one?” he asks, providing up his packet of cigarettes.

“Man that’s sad,” Joe says as he’s strolling away. “There‘s no hope in the town. The only thing [that] is good about the town was some drugs… it’s really sad to hear.”

“Everything is closed. Everything is run down,” he mentioned.

Closures have been widespread
(Image: @joefishj/YouTube)

“Can’t get an apprenticeship,” one lad he talks to says. “I have to work at Maccies at the moment.”

At the top of the clip, he will get speaking to a gaggle of older ladies who have been ruing the lack of individuals and enterprise within the city.

“Since Covid everything’s gone,” one of many ladies says. “They’re stopping our bus the number one bus from Shepton Mallet to Yeovil.”

“We’ve got no way of getting anywhere [without it],” the lady says. “We won’t be able to go anywhere we don’t drive,” they add.

One bloke advised Joe simply go away
(Image: @joefishj/YouTube)

“We will be stuck,” her good friend provides, in a sentence that feels eerily prefer it was summing up the entire of the city.

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