Jeremy Hunt assaults Ed Davey for lacking a PMQs to take care of his disabled son

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has attacked Liberal Democrats chief Ed Davey for lacking a Prime Minister Questions, oblivious to the very fact he’s taking care of his disabled son.

Daisy Cooper, Lib Dems MP for St Albans, wrote on X, previously Twitter: “The chancellor has simply attacked Ed for lacking a PMQs initially of the yr to take care of his disabled son. An utter shame.” Sir Ed has been a carer for many of his life – first for his mom, who died when he was a young person, then for his grandmother and his disabled son, John, who has an undiagnosed neurological situation. Upon turning into celebration chief in 2020, the politician vowed to be “the voice of carers.”

Dave Lawrence wrote on X: “That and fat shaming Starmer highlights the little that this Government have to attack on – personal not policy.” It’s not the Chancellor’s first poorly-timed joke of the day as he was earlier slammed for an insensitive jibe in the direction of Sir Keir Starmer.

In the House of Commons, Hunt introduced up feedback by Labour peer Peter Mandelson who stated Keir Starmer might “shed a few pounds.” Hunt waded in right now and stated: “If he [Starmer] wants to join me on my marathon training he’s most welcome.” X, previously Twitter customers, have been fast to slam him. ITV’s Tom Bradby wrote: “Jeremy Hunt spending relatively an excessive amount of time within the Budget addressing the opposition benches and not the public. And that was a contender for worst Budget Day joke in history; a fattist jibe against Keir Starmer that was clearly pre-scripted.”

Liberal Democrat chief Sir Ed Davey

In a earlier interview with the Mirror, Davey stated: “It’s been the biggest challenge of my life [being a carer]. And thanks to my amazing wife we’ve coped and John is doing amazingly well and is a source of inspiration for me. I know what it’s like to be a carer, every day. I deal with massaging him with his care needs. I look at how other parents, my constituents, and the caring challenges they face, I just feel we don’t support them enough.”

Jeremy HuntLiberal DemocratsPolitics