Jeremy Hunt loses his rag with BBC host after he is given drag queen nickname

Jeremy Hunt misplaced his rag reside on air after he was accused of failing to show the financial system round.

The Chancellor acquired irritated after BBC presenter Amol Rajan recommended his Budget had not met the challenges the nation faces. Mr Hunt gave the impression to be notably irritated by claims he has been nicknamed a “fiscal drag queen” due to his stealth tax rises.

Fiscal drag is when folks find yourself paying the next tax charge because the Government has failed to extend revenue allowances consistent with rising costs.

In the interview on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on the morning after the Budget, Mr Rajan stated: “This might be one of your last big acts in politics. Do you really think you’ve met the moment? This is a country ravaged by economic shocks – at best drifting, at worst, stagnant.

“We all know about its potential, but we’ve had seven quarters of falling GDP per head. That’s been revised downwards. We’re hooked on foreign labour, the birth rate is collapsing, many public services are creaking, councils are going bust. Those are facts. Has your budget really come even close to meeting the scale of the challenges this country faces?”

Mr Hunt hit again, saying: “I believe it has. If you want gimmicks, if you want quick fixes that unravel and I’m not your person. If you want a long term plan to deliver better public services, to get more investment into the economy, then I have delivered packages that do that.”

Then elevating his voice he added: “By the way, I think the overall characterisation you’ve just given of the British economy is unworthy of the BBC.”

As Mr Rajan laughed and argued the BBC is “an organisation of tens of thousands of people who do lots of different things”, Mr Hunt tried to shout over him. “You have accused me of being not so different from a drag queen,” the Chancellor stated.

Earlier within the interview, Mr Rajan had advised Mr Hunt: “They call you the fiscal drag queen of British politics, don’t they? And with good reason.”

British economyJeremy HuntPrice risesPublic servicesR4 TodayRadio 4The BudgetThe economy