Gobsmacked mum movies ‘nice white shark’ off UK coast leaving Brits terrified

A mum who noticed a mysterious fin off the UK shoreline has sensationally been advised it could possibly be a nice white shark.

Emily and Dan Rushton, 41, had been strolling their canine, Woody, at Goring-by-Sea seashore in West Sussex once they seen one thing uncommon within the water. The 42-year-old was shocked to see a transparent “fin” poking from the floor.

Two years in the past, an identical fin was seen in the identical waters, with shark professional Graeme Pullen suggesting it could possibly be a nice white.

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And after posting about it on-line, Emily says she was contacted by Graeme, who advised her he believes it was the identical shark he noticed.

Emily, from Worthing, West Sussex, recalled: “At first it simply appeared like one thing black and one thing triangular within the water.

Emily and Dan Rushton had been taking 11-year-old pooch Woody on his stroll once they noticed one thing uncommon within the water
(Image: Kennedy News and Media)

“That’s what made it stand out really. We could see it moving and said ‘that looks like a fin’. It wasn’t that rough so in the blue water you could see it quite clearly there was something different there.

“We obtained our telephones out to zoom in. It wasn’t very far off although. It was earlier than the buoys. As we saved trying, it could go underneath the water then come again up once more and transfer alongside.

“When it would swim along for a bit we could see it was definitely triangular in shape. We thought ‘oh my goodness’, that is definitely a fin. As it got slightly towards the shallower parts, where it was a bit clearer, you could see a body shape underneath it.”

The fin was seen poking out of the water
(Image: Kennedy News and Media)

“It was a lot clearer just looking at it yourself than in the video but with the phones we could see and were like ‘yeah, that’s definitely a shark’. We were proper excited because we’re on the beach every day and we never see anything.”

Two years in the past, an identical fin was seen in the identical waters, with shark professional Graeme Pullen suggesting it could possibly be a nice white. The seasoned shark fisherman speculated that the shark is perhaps residing completely within the protected space alongside the West Sussex shoreline the place industrial transport is prohibited – probably explaining Emily’s sighting.

But it’s way more prone to be a unique species of shark with the UK coast way more typically populated by basking sharks, blue sharks, and shortfin makos.

Emily stated her son “wasn’t remotely scared” by the sighting, however “was just excited”. “It’s so amazing, you’re really lucky to be able to see the natural wildlife where it’s meant to be and it doesn’t happen very often,” she added.

Shark professional Graeme Pullen instructed an identical sighting was a Great White (inventory)
(Image: Getty Images)

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But whereas Emily discovered the second thrilling, some Brits had been left terrified by the sighting as they vowed by no means to go within the water once more. One viewer commented: “I saw something a while ago, thought it was a seal. But that’s definitely a shark!”

Another acknowledged: “That’s definitely a fin to me. I’d say SHARK.” A 3rd wrote: “I wouldn’t be going for a swim to find out in any case!”

Meanwhile, a fourth commented: “Well that’s me never getting my paddleboard out again! Thanks.”

AnimalsGreat White SharkSharks