The Edinburghs will take centre stage on the Royal Windsor Horse Show

Edward and Sophie are taking centre stage at this year’s Royal Windsor Horse Show, an unmissable diary event for the late Queen. 

But can the Edinburghs do something about the long-standing ban on dogs? At the 1943 show a lurcher nicked George VI‘s lunch, leading to their banishment – something the dog-loving Queen never countermanded. 

Now, a source says there is pressure on the Royal Windsor to let the pets back in. Surely 80 years in the dog house is sufficient punishment!

Edward and Sophie are taking centre stage at this year’s Royal Windsor Horse Show, an unmissable diary event for the late Queen

At the 1943 show a lurcher nicked George VI’s lunch, leading to their banishment – something the dog-loving Queen never countermanded

After Birmingham and Washington were confirmed as the final two host cities in contention for his 2027 Invictus Games, Prince Harry is caught between a rock and a hard place. 

At the 2016 event in Florida, the late Queen teamed up with the Obamas for a promotional video. 

If Birmingham is chosen, it’s unlikely William and Kate will be so accommodating.

And if Washington is the venue with President Trump back in the White House, Harry might be in receipt of the order of the boot from Donald over his admission of drug use in Spare.

Prince Harry speaking at the 2023 Invictus Games in Dusseldorf, Germany 

Justin Webb famously never knew his father, BBC newscaster Peter Woods. But is he slowly turning into his absent pater, pictured on the right above?

‘I look in the mirror and I see my father,’ he says of the toll of rising at dawn for the Today programme.

‘Those baggy eyes and a slightly dazed look? That is Peter Woods.’

Reflecting on Home Office videos showing illegal immigrants being deported, Commons leader Penny Mordaunt describes images of people being put into the back of police vehicles, adding: ‘Scotland has produced quite a few similar videos, although the people put in the back of police cars have been members of the SNP.’

Isn’t Penny wasted at Westminster? Surely a summer season at Blackpool beckons.

Pictured: Leader of the House of Commons Penny Mordaunt leaves No. 10

Having just celebrated his 13th wedding milestone — the lace anniversary — can Prince William look forward to next year’s event? 

As a leading campaigner against ivory who has expressed his wishes for all such items in the Royal Collection to be taken out and burned, he might want to skip his ivory anniversary!

John Cleese, elaborating on his curious boast that a Danish dentist laughed so much at a screening of A Fish Called Wanda that he suffered a fatal heart attack, says that his co-star Kevin Kline sought more information.

Speaking on the Rosebud podcast, John said: ‘When I told Kevin about this, he said to me ‘Erm, exactly which scene?’