John Swinney to be Scotland’s First Minister after he is picked as new SNP chief

John Swinney will become Scotland’s next First Minister after he emerged as the only candidate to stand to be the SNP’s new leader.

The former Deputy First Minister was the only person to officially put themselves forward to succeed Humza Yousaf for the top job. Nominations closed at midday, which means Mr Swinney becomes SNP leader unopposed.

The SNP said in a statement: “The party’s national secretary, Lorna Finn, has subsequently confirmed John Swinney MSP as the new SNP Leader. The SNP Leader will deliver a speech later today.”

Humza Yousaf resigned as First Minister after terminating the Bute House Agreement
Getty Images)

He is expected to be confirmed as First Minister later this week. It comes after veteran SNP activist Graeme McCormick last night ruled himself out of the race. Mr McCormick, who once branded the Scottish Government’s independence strategy “flatulence in a trance”, said he had met the nominations threshold but decided not to stand after speaking to Mr Swinney.

In a statement, he said: “John and I agreed the challenges which the SNP, our Government and our people face, and explored new thinking on a range of issues which I am confident, as they are advanced, will inspire activists both within the SNP and wider Independence Movement in the following weeks and months,” he said.

“This is a fresh start for our members and our politicians, and I’m sure that John’s determination to deliver Independence will be rewarded at the forthcoming general election.

“I have therefore concluded that I shall not proceed with my nomination for party leader but instead support John Swinney’s nomination for party leader and first minister of Scotland.”

It comes only a week after Mr Yousaf announced he was stepping down as both SNP leader and Scottish First Minister, after he plunged the Scottish Government into chaos by tearing up a powersharing deal with the Greens. In the face of votes of no-confidence in himself and his Government, Mr Yousaf threw in the towel.

He only took up the role last year after Nicola Sturgeon resigned, following a bitter leadership contest. Some in the SNP had been keen to avoid another damaging race as the party battles to get back onto the front foot.

John SwinneyPoliticsSNP