Politics newest information: Starmer goads Sunak after contemporary Tory defection

Sir Keir Starmer goaded Rishi Sunak during Prime Minister’s Questions over the latest Tory defection to the Labour Party. 

Natalie Elphicke, the Tory MP for Dover, announced as PMQs started that she was crossing the floor, joining Dan Poulter who did the same at the end of April. 

Sir Keir welcomed Ms Elphicke to the Labour benches, as well as Chris Webb, the winner of last week’s Blackpool South by-election.

The Labour leader asked Mr Sunak, given the defections of Ms Elphicke and Mr Poulter: “What is the point of this failed Government staggering on?” 

He also asked: “How many more times do the public and his own MPs need to reject him before he takes the hint?” 

Mr Sunak replied: “This time last year I reminded him of some advice actually from his own mentor Tony Blair who had said at the time he can be as cocky as he likes about local elections but come a general election it is policy that counts.

“One year on from that advice, what has he managed? £28 billion of tax rises, 70 new business regulations, 30 U-turns and a deputy leader under a police investigation.” 

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Source: telegraph.co.uk