Rishi Sunak speech: PM ‘assured’ Tories can nonetheless win normal election

Rishi Sunak said he is “confident” the Conservative Party can still win the next general election as he delivered a speech in central London setting out his vision for the UK. 

The Prime Minister appeared to rule out the contest taking place in January 2025 – the absolute latest it could happen – as he firmed up his previous stance that it was his “working assumption” the election would occur in the second half of 2024. 

This morning he said “at some point in the second half of this year, we will all go to the polls”. 

Mr Sunak said: “At some point in the second half of this year, we will all go to the polls and make a choice, not just about Conservatives versus Labour, or Sunak versus Starmer.

“It will be a choice between the future and the past. Now I remain confident that my party can prevail, not because of our record alone, but because we will be the only party really talking about the future, and not with vague lofty platitudes but with bold ideas and a clear plan that can change our society for the better and restore people’s confidence and pride in our country.”

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Source: telegraph.co.uk