Kids should not be given intercourse schooling earlier than they’re 9 leaked memo says

Children under the age of nine should not be taught about sex in schools, the Government is expected to say this week.

New guidance will advise against giving sex education to pupils below Year 5, it is claimed. And ministers will insist that gender ideology is a “contested subject” that should not be taught at all, according to The Sun.

It reports that a memo sent to Cabinet members by Education Secretary Gillian Keegan says sex education “will not be taught before Year 5”. Ms Keegan’s office declined to comment when approached by The Mirror.

The announcement is expected this week following a review ordered by Rishi Sunak into the way children are taught about sex. It follows a series of claims by Tory MP Miriam Cates, a former biology teacher. In one speech at Prime Ministers’ Questions in May last year, Ms Cates told MPs that children are given “graphic lessons on oral sex” and how to choke your partner safely.

She also claimed youngsters were taught there are 72 genders and were receiving “extreme, sexualising and inaccurate” lessons. Ms Cates later said she’d presented Mr Sunak with a “dossier of evidence”. The evidence, a report by the New Social Covenant Unit (the NSCU) – which she co-founded – has since been deleted.

The Guardian reported that the choking ‘advice’ referenced in the report was a blog run by a sex-positive podcaster, with no claim it was ever taught in schools. According to the leaked memo, sex education will be permitted from Year 6, but it will have to be “totally scientific”. The Sun also reports that teachers will be encouraged to learn about real-world harms including stalking.

Last year Ms Cates told the Commons: “Across the country, children are being subjected to lessons that are age-inappropriate, extreme, sexualising and inaccurate, often using resources from unregulated organisations that are actively campaigning to undermine parents. This is not a victory for equality; it is a catastrophe for childhood.”

Responding to Ms Cates’ concerns, Mr Sunak said at the time that he shared her worries. He said: “That is why I have asked the Department for Education to ensure that schools are not teaching inappropriate or contested content in relationships, sex and health education.

“Our priority should always be the safety and wellbeing of children. Schools should also make curriculum content and materials available to parents. As a result of all this, we are bringing forward a review of RSHE statutory guidance and will start our consultation as soon as possible.”

Since September 2020, all schools have been required to teach children about relationships and health. In primary schools, the Department for Education says, children learn about building healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships.

In secondary school, it says teachers should be “introducing knowledge about intimate relationships and sex and how to have positive and healthy sexual relationships”.

CabineteducationschoolsSecondary schoolSex Education